Sunday, June 2, 2019

Elijah Cummings' wife breaking the law by refusing to disclose nonprofit docs

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, the wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) may have broken the law by refusing to disclose financial documents relating to her nonprofit. Worse, this suggests a possible conflict with Cummings' supervisory role as chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Gee, ya think?

The Daily Caller News Foundation conducted an investigation by Luke Rosiak. He asserts that she is breaking the law by not disclosing documents relating to her nonprofit, the Center for Global Policy Solutions, which is closely related to a for-profit consulting group, Group Policy Solutions LLC [my italics].

The nonprofit received millions of dollars from groups that have special interests in the Oversight Government Reform Committee headed by Rep. Cummings, and this possibly suggests that their donations to his wife's nonprofit will buy them favorable treatment like it probably did for those who donated to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under the Obama administration. [In fact, donations to the Clinton Foundation dried up when she lost her political influence.] A complaint in this regard was filed to the IRS by the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC).

Three separate groups reportedly have requested the nonprofit's forms, and Rockeymoore Cummings has refused to disclose documents relating to her nonprofit. She also refused to discuss the matter with the NLPC and did not answer formal requests for records from the Daily Caller or the Washington Examiner. Instead, Mr. Cummings pulled out his Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" and used rule number 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon" and charged that those of the NLPC who complained about his wife's refusal to turn over the documents are conservatives.

He never explained how their being conservatives would negate any legal issues because it simply conflates two unrelated issues!

Obfuscation is the key.

Sally Wagenmaker, a lawyer who specializes in nonprofit tax law, suggested that refusal to hand over the documents breaks the law.

“Wow. That’s illegal,” Wagenmaker asserted. “It’s interesting and sad. You have the right to get them. The organization absolutely is required to provide the information, so to not do so would appear to be flaunting the law.”

“As a family member of an elected official, we’d expect high-road, integrity, and compliance. If anyone should be responding promptly, it should be her. He should be above approach,” Wagenmaker added.

Rockeymoore Cummings gave no reason for her refusal to hand over the documents in spite of the fact that the IRS requires that nonprofits disclose information about their operations in exchange for their tax-exempt status on an IRS form called a Form 990.

Wagenmaker added:
"One of the policy reasons for disclosure is to be able to to illuminate conflict of interest, and the media’s role is to help illuminate that: is she trying to hide information, is she being secretive, does she think she’s above the law? And one of the ways that happens is through the required disclosure of 990s."
The report arises after Cummings recently subpoenaed President Trump’s business records. Trump filed a suit to block Cummings’ subpoena over these records.

Congressional Democrats, including Cummings, have called for hearings to investigate the Trump Foundation. However, the hearings might also raise concerns over whether Cummings and his wife have any conflicts of interests regarding his wife’s nonprofit. And just what's in those elusive documents of her nonprofit?

Tom Anderson, an investigator with the NLPC, said that nonprofits have to disclose their business practices:
The problem is there are millions of dollars coming into these entities from corporations and special interests with business before Elijah Cummings, and any time you have that, every rule has to be followed or else it opens the door for massive corruption. And that holds whether the politician in question is Donald Trump, Elijah Cummings or someone else.
The NLPC investigator said in a conversation with Cummings, he “went on to rant about how we’re a conspiracy right-wing group for super-mega billionaires, which sounds like something out of Star Wars.” That's Alinsky's rule 5 once again.

Anderson reiterated that Cummings did not provide any evidence to suggest his complaint to the IRS was wrong.

“We’re going to Johnson + Johnson, Prudential, lining up all the dots,” Anderson said, regarding companies that have donated to the nonprofit, suggesting that it could raise concerns over conflict of interest.

The American public awaits with great anticipation. Well, all except for the folks on the left.

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