Sunday, May 12, 2019

Nadler angry at McCarthy saying: "I can find my butt with both hands"

The following is satire.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy believes that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler does not have what it takes "to handle the gavel and he cannot even control his eyebrow or find his butt with both hands." This statement comes the day after Nadler and fellow socialists voted to hold AG William Barr in contempt of Congress.

“If you listen to it, the question continues to be raised that Nadler can’t even handle the gavel,” McCarthy told real reporters and Vinny Bagadonuts. “Not only how he dealt with the last committee hearing, it comes into doubt regardless of what the issue is, whether he’s capable of being chairman. In fact, last week I saw him trying to get into the women's bathroom.”

McCarthy then added: “He was asking in a subpoena for Attorney General Barr to break the law or else he would hold him in contempt for not breaking the law."

After voting to hold Barr in contempt, the New York Democrat, in an uncharacteristic moment of honesty, told reporters that he and his fellow Democrats “actually enjoy” holding the attorney general in contempt for not turning over the entire fully unredacted Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report and its underlying evidence, and felt they “needed to do so to distract from real issues.”

McCarthy said that Nadler did not even take the time to read the nearly completely unredacted report the Department of Justice provided, which he has the right to read. Nadler, in another uncharacteristic moment of honesty admitted that he has an eye doctor appointment and would find it difficult to read with the spectacles he currently uses. Also, his eyebrows sometimes obstruct his vision.

The California Republican pointed out that 98.5 percent of the report is available to view overall, and 99.9 percent of Vol. II is unredacted, which addresses whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

Nadler then googled the word 'unredacted.'

“I think it goes to the character of who Nadler is: a Trump-hating New York politician who lost a ton of weight and now thinks he's Adonis, when, in fact, he's more like Arnold Stang.

McCarthy further noted that the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee at least had the professionalism to stay through Wednesday’s proceedings, in contrast to Nadler, who in 2012 walked off the House floor refusing to even vote on whether then-Attorney General Eric Holder should be held in contempt of Congress. Nadler claimed that he had taken a water pill and desperately had to pee, which was a lie.

The New York leftist tweeted at the time, “Just joined the #walkout of the House chamber to protest the shameful, politically-motivated GOP vote holding AG Holder in contempt.”

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