Sunday, May 12, 2019

Woman who accused man of assault after he helped her admits lying

Sydney -- A man spent two hours helping a young woman he never met fix her broken car. Now he says his life has been destroyed by her false claim that he sexually assaulted her.

Kenan Basic was incarcerated for two weeks in a maximum security prison, was fired from his job and is now going through a divorce after a 19-year-old woman accused him of assault.

Mr. Basic, 36, saw the teen in distress last November and stopped to help her after she crashed her car and pulled into a gas station in the southwest of Sydney.

Basic, who is a father-of-one, spent two hours helping the woman getting her car back on the road.

CCTV footage shows the man fixing the woman's car while the two of them chat, according to Nine News.

"I always help people you know, all my life, and this is the first time the snake bite me," he said.

After the fix was done, Basic followed the teen a short distance in his car to make sure she didn't break down again.

To his surprise, the young woman told police that he indecently assaulted and stalked her, claiming he propositioned her for sex in return for his help before following her and then propositioning her again.

The man faced serious sexual charges and spent two weeks in Silverwater Prison, [a place where the phrase 'don't drink the water' makes perfect sense.] As a result of the ordeal, Basic lost his job and is going through a divorce.

"No one would ever expect that as a Good Samaritan you stop to assist a broken down motorist that then you would subsequently be charged with these serious offenses," Basic's lawyer Mona El Baba told the media.

Last Monday, all charges were dropped after the woman finally admitted, when pressed by detectives in an interview, that she lied and made up the accusations.

'I feel happy because I got my freedom, you know,' Basic said.

The teen now faces a charge of knowingly making false or misleading statement and will appear in court next week.

As for the good Samaritan, he says the incident has deterred him from helping a young woman ever again.

Believe all women? No, we need to listen to all accusers, men and women, and make up our minds based on facts and evidence. We don't need another Brett Kavanaugh situation.

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