Monday, May 6, 2019

Michael Cohen heading for the slammer, slams Trump

President Trump's former low-average lawyer, Michael Cohen, who has since denounced his former boss, told reporters Monday “there still remains much to be told” as he left his plush New York City apartment to report to federal prison for a three-year sentence after pleading guilty to bevy of crimes.

"There still remains much to be told and I look forward to the day that I can share the truth," Cohen said in brief remarks to reporters as he headed toward Otisville, NY to serve his time at the Federal Correctional Institution [aka prison] there. The joint is about 70 miles north of Manhattan, and is considered the Disneyland of Joints.

In an apparent swipe at President Trump, Cohen also said, “I hope that when I rejoin my family and friends that the country will be in place without xenophobia, injustice and lies at helm of our country.”

Cohen faces a 2 p.m. deadline to report to the prison.

Cohen -- who once claimed he was willing to "take a bullet" for Trump was apparently kidding. He probably wouldn't take a bullet for his wife, much less the guy he worked for and turned on at the nationally televised congressional testimony in February.

Cohen pleaded guilty last year to campaign finance violations, tax evasion and lying to Congress about Trump’s past business dealings in Russia.

In February’s House committee hearing, Cohen said of Trump: “He is a racist. He is a conman. And he is a cheat.” Cohen repeatedly expressed regret and said, “yet I continued to work for him.” 

But as a convicted liar, one might only possibly believe the conman and cheat part--Trump is not a racist.

The prison sentence for Cohen was not the maximum but even so, he cried like a baby when convicted.

Among other charges, Cohen pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance laws during the 2016 campaign by helping orchestrate payments to silence former Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult pornography performer Stormy Daniels, who said she had sexual encounters with Trump while he was married, something nobody really doubts. 

Trump has denied the affairs, but c'mon, so what? We all know who Trump is and he got elected anyway. In spite of all this noise, he has not been charged with any crimes related to the payments because he pays off all the women he has extramarital affairs with but he didn't get elected pope; he got elected POTUS.

Cohen also pleaded guilty to misleading Congress about his work on a proposal to build a Trump skyscraper in Moscow, hiding the fact that he continued to speak with Russians about the proposal well into the presidential campaign. 

Additionally, prosecutors accused Cohen, clearly not the swiftest shark in the ocean, of a years-long “tax evasion scheme” to avoid paying federal income taxes on more than $4 million made through a number of ventures, including through his ownership of taxi medallions, his  real estate selling in Florida and his consulting work for other clients gullible enough to use him as a consultant.

After reporting to prison, Cohen undergoes medical and mental health screenings and be assigned a job, such as mowing the grounds or cleaning up the visiting room, or recycling the wine bottles. He'll also get sets of clothing, bedding and towels.

At the prison camp, about 115 inmates sleep in bunks lined up in barrack-style halls, instead of individual or two-man cells like in higher-security facilities. Recreational amenities include tennis courts, horseshoes and bocce ball, an Italian bowling game that requires imbibing of red alcoholic substances.

Cohen's fellow inmates include "Jersey Shore" star Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, who wraps up an eight-month tax fraud sentence in September, and Fyre Festival fraudster Billy McFarland, who's serving a six-year sentence. 

Bobby "Bag o' Bagels" Ferruccio has already been sprung and swears he was innocent of the charges in the first place. He left a note for Cohen that simply said: "Don't drop the soap."

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