Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ilhan Omar attacks Judeo-Christian values--shows her hypocrisy

Rep[ugnant] Ilhan Omar (D-MN by way of Somalia) attacked people who refuse to agree with the premise that killing babies in the womb is a moral act of kindness. Her brother/ex-husband agrees with her.

"I rise today to defy the horrifying attacks happening against women's reproductive rights all across this country," Omar began in English."Religious fundamentalists, [as opposed to jihadists] are currently trying to manipulate state laws in order to impose their beliefs on an entire society, all with complete disregard for voices and the rights of American women."

By "manipulate state laws," Omar means 'change' them. By "rights of American women" she does not include those who have been created and await their trip through the birth canal, she only means those who have been born, but not including "those Jews."

"The recent efforts like those in Alabama, in Georgia, are only the latest in a long history of efforts to criminalize women for simply existing, to punish us when we don't conform to their attempts to control us," Omar continued, totally lying about the criminalization remark.

The laws in all states proposing pro-life measures clearly state that mothers will not be legally liable, only the abortion providers. Her statement is not merely false, it's ridiculous, but liberals believe those lies.

Omar continued by highlighting other measures across the U.S., saying that if they were happening anywhere else on earth that they would be considered "a dangerous violation of human rights."

Like in Muslim countries where abortions are prohibited, but she fails to mention that tidbit of fact or condemn her own country of Somalia. She also never speaks to the moral implication of murder.

"But because it's happening here with the support of the ultra-conservative religious right, [by "ultra-conservative" she means people who take their religious beliefs seriously] we call it religious freedom," Omar continued.

"Let's just be honest, for the religious Right this isn't simply about their care or concern for life. If they cared about or were concerned about children, they would be concerned about the children that are being detained and those that are dying in camps across our borders, or the children who are languishing in hunger and facing homelessness," she said, conflating two unrelated issues.

And religious people are concerned about the children being detained but also care about the sovereignty of the USA. If we close our borders, fewer children would be dying on the trek to get here because it will discourage those who would otherwise make the journey.

"This isn't about religious morality or conviction because we've seen time and time again those that talk about their faith and want to push policies because of their faith are the ones that simply are caught with the hypocrisy of not living it out in their personal lives," Omar said as she gave two examples of Republican lawmakers who made decisions in their personal lives that were contrary to their political views, as if these GOP lawmakers represent all Republicans and all pro-lifers.

In other words, killing babies is killing babies. You can try to justify it with words like "women's right to decide," or 'my body, my decision," but that just ain't so. Science proves it, and the Democratic science deniers would have you think it didn't.

"I am frustrated every single time I hear people speaking about their faith and pushing that on to other people because we know those so-called religious politicians, when it comes to their life, their choices, they want to talk about freedom," Omar said, again conflating religion with the immorality of killing human life. In fact, there are many atheists who are pro-life because they see the immorality of abortion and don't celebrate it like the leftists do.

"But when it comes to other people's lives and other people's choices, they want to talk about religion. This should outrage every single person. It certainly outrages me and we can no longer stand for it."

The law is designed to put a limit on people's choices. The law clearly says you cannot do things that endanger the lives or welfare of others. You cannot drive recklessly. You cannot steal. You cannot murder people. And by people, those of us who believe that when conception occurs, a human life begins, we include the unborn, awaiting that trip across the border of the birth canal into the USA as legal immigrants from the land of the womb.

Ilhan Omar is a horrible person. She is anti-Christian and clearly anti-Semitic.

But technically, she is even a horrible Muslim, like her friend, Linda Sarsour, because their religion is against abortion.

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