Saturday, February 2, 2019

Northam now says it wasn't him in the yearbook KKK photo--but he has a history

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said in a press conference on Saturday that he is not the person in his yearbook photo page depicting a man in blackface and another in full KKK regalia. Yesterday he admitted that it was him.

He said he once wore blackface in a Michael Jackson contest where he used shoe polish and did the "Moonwalk" to win first place. He remembers that vividly, but didn't initially remember that he wasn't in the racist photo.

What he didn't mention was a televised debate in the Lieutenant Governor's race in which he refuses to shake the hand of his black opponent, E.W. Jackson. He can make any excuse he wants to make, but the short video clearly shows Northam not responding to Jackson's offer of a handshake.

“It was insulting, but, on the other hand, I thought it was consistent with the way he behaves. Because, this spot he’s been running, saying that I believe that a child born with birth defects is born that way because of their parents’ sin is just a damnable, palpable, despicable lie. I don’t believe that. I never said anything like that. And it’s that kind of dishonesty that, to me, says this is not the kind of person that needs to be holding state-wide office. Not shaking my hand really just confirmed that,” E.W. Jackson said in the interview. 

But Northam is willing to kill a child born with birth defects that don't threaten its life. He is willing to kill a child after it's born if the mother and doctor agree that it should die. He fully supported the failed bill by Del. Kathy Tran that allows for abortion right up to the minute of birth and even after it passes through the birth canal, still undocumented as a person, but still a person, nevertheless. 

This is Northam's worst sin. His clearest indication of a lack of morality.

He spoke at the news conference where reporters actually asked him tough questions. It seems even the left wants him to go, not because of his stance on killing babies, but on the yearbook showing him to be a racist. They're both horrible, but killing babies is worse by far and the media never asked him about that. 

The thing is, if he's forced out or resigns, he has another Democrat to take his place. Justin E. Fairfax, only the second black person to hold a statewide office in Virginia, whose stance on liberal issues is within the Party line.

Fairfax is a 39-year-old Democrat and a former federal prosecutor. He attended Duke University and Columbia University. Some of the issues he supports are:
Prison reform, tighter gun control , campaign donation limits, Obamacare, increased taxes on infrastructure, and of course, Planned Parenthood. He was called by PP one of several "stalwart proponents of access to women's health" who "has taken bold actions in support of Planned Parenthood."
So, like Northam, he is in favor of killing the unwanted babies that are born in the state. If Northam resigns, Fairfax would become governor.

Northam says he is not the person in the racist yearbook photo, but acknowledges darkening face for another party and doing the "Moonwalk" like Michael Jackson.

"When I was confronted with the image, I was appalled that it appeared on my page, but I believed then and I believe now that I am not either of the people in that photograph," Northam said at a press conference at the governor's mansion.

He apologized for the picture appearing on his page, calling the image "offensive" and "racist," but said that he had nothing to do with the preparation of the yearbook, nor did he buy it. Of course, you'd think he would have at least looked at it before deciding not to buy it, but maybe he's telling the truth, and maybe O.J. was innocent.

He acknowledged that he had initially admitted the picture was him, but said that "in the hours since I made my statement, I reflected with family and classmates from that time and it affirmed my conclusion that I am not the person in that photograph." He also reflected that he needed the job as governor because he obviously sucked at being a doctor that saves lives.

Northam said that while he did not attend that party where the picture was taken, he did attend a party the same year in which he said he "darkened my face as part of a Michael Jackson costume." He said he used black shoe polish--but it seems to me that black was not the color of Michael Jackson when he was moonwalking with little kids.

He also said that he did not expect Virginians to believe him immediately or to forgive his actions right away: "I am just asking for that ability to demonstrate that the person I was is not the man I am today."

And Virginians aren't all that gullible.

I hope you'll follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

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