Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Kamala Harris wants to decriminalize prostitution

Sen. Kamala Harris knows a thing or two about sex for pay--she made her way on up from prosecutor to the Senate by having a sexual relationship with a married politician, Willie Brown--now she wants to decriminalize prostitution. This is her way of using smoke and mirrors to distract from her past as a prosecutor, a profession seen as more repugnant than prostitution.

Speaking with The Root, the sex-for-advancement senator said she supports the decriminalization of prostitution, while adding a few additional qualifiers.

"There is an ecosystem around that includes crimes that harm people, and for those issues, I do not believe that anybody who hurts another human being or profits off of their exploitation should be free of criminal prosecution," the pay for play senator said. "But when you’re talking about consenting adults, we should consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior."

According to HuffPost, Harris' comments are in response to the prostitution community accusing her of conflating whoring with sex trafficking. 

In her 2009 book, "Smart on Crime," Harris even said that prostitutes should be arrested. "Smart always starts with enforcing the law ― we must arrest the prostitutes as well as the pimps and the johns," she wrote at the time. But now that she's a 2020 presidential hopeful, she is prostituting her ideals to pander to a slimier audience.

"There are lots of good reasons to root for Kamala Harris," wrote Melissa Petro, a former prostitute who labels herself a 'sex worker,' in The Establishment in 2017. "But the fact that Harris was an active force behind a campaign that endangered the lives of sex workers makes it understandably difficult for people with experiences in the sex trades to throw her our support."

Sen. Harris recently voted in support of the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, a piece of legislation that some prostitutes said unfairly confused their behavior with that of sex traffickers.

Kristen DiAngelo, executive director of the Sex Workers Outreach Project, told HuffPost that Kamala Harris' supposed shift on the decriminalization of sex workers is an empty promise.

"My take on it is that we are actually starting to do some damage to her campaign ... so she had to change her stance," DiAngelo said. "But do I think she believes it? No."

It is believed that Harris, in the course of her race for the 2020 presidential nomination for the Democrat Party, has actually told the truth on two occasions: when she said that she smoked pot, and when she admitted that she inhaled.

"Even her laughter is bumpaclots," said Mahbone Bakala, a former rap artist and radio icon for WBSHT. "She say she listen to Tupac and Snoop Dog in college, mon, but dey not be dewin rap till later den," he told Brain Flushing's Vinny Boombots.

Harris has been working tirelessly, perhaps even to her detriment, to distance herself from her prosecution roots. Writing at The New York Times, Lara Bazelon criticized her for falsely portraying herself as a "progressive prosecutor."

"She's more like a progressive prostituter," someone once said. "She'll pander to anyone who'll bite."

As San Francisco’s district attorney from 2004 to 2011, Harris was criticized in for withholding information about a police laboratory technician who had been accused of "intentionally sabotaging" her work and stealing drugs from the lab. After a memo surfaced showing that Harris’s deputies knew about the technician’s wrongdoing and recent conviction, but failed to alert defense lawyers, a judge condemned Ms. Harris’s indifference to the systemic violation of the defendants’ constitutional rights.

Otherwise, aside from being a dishonest, panderer and sex trade worker for career advancement, she's fine.

I hope you'll follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

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