Monday, February 4, 2019

Dem. Senator blocks bill banning the killing of babies after being born

First they came for the first trimester humans. Then they came for those with birth abnormalities. Next they came for the second trimester babies and pretended they are not human yet. Now they've shown their blood-stained hands and are coming for any baby up to birth and even beyond if the mother doesn't want it to live.

It's hard to accept the evil that is coming from the Democratic Party with their lies about how it's a "woman's right to choose." It isn't anyone's right to choose to end the life of an innocent.

Senator Patty Scumwafer Murray (D-WA), blocked a Senate bill that would require doctors to provide aid to full-term babies who thankfully survived botched abortions. The un-aborted Senator objected to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and her one vote was enough to prevent the Senate from passing the bill in a unanimous consent vote, LifeSiteNews reports.

This should make anyone with a conscience sick to their stomach.

On Thursday, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NB) requested the unanimous consent vote after Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph "KKK" Northam, a satanic former pediatric neurologist, made comments indicating he did not object to letting an infant die after its birth, unlike his parents. The scumwafer explained that a born-alive “infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.” 

Sasse had already called for a unanimous consent vote to pass a resolution defending the Knights of Columbus in mid-January. That resolution was passed unanimously.

Sasse appealed to the conscience of the entire Senate, saying, “Just a few years ago, the abortion lobby was really clear in its talk about hoping abortion would be…safe, legal, and rare. Now we’re talking about keeping the baby comfortable while the doctors have a debate about infanticide. You’re either for babies, or you’re defending infanticide…please, don’t let Governor Northam define you.”

Murray objected to the unanimous consent vote, stating, “This is a gross misinterpretation of the actual language of the bill that is being asked to be considered and, therefore, I object.”

Except Murray was wrong or she lied.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) responded to Murray’s objection by asserting:

There is nothing great, there is nothing moral, or even humane about the discussion that we have before us today. Over the past week, we have witnessed the absolutely ugly truth about the far-reaching grasp of the abortion industry and its increasingly radicalized political agenda. Politicians have not only defended aborting a child while a woman is in labor, but have gone so far as to support the termination of a child after his or her birth. A child. A baby. Rationality, decency, and basic human compassion have fallen by the wayside.”

Regarding Murray, Ernst's words fell on deaf ears.

Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, (R-KY), who will have to gauge whether to call later for a roll-call vote, said the Act was “legislation that ought to be the very definition of something that receives unanimous consent in this body. It’s harrowing that this legislation is even necessary. It was even more disturbing when last week, a Democrat Governor was unable to simply state that of course – of course – these newborn babies have human rights that must be respected.”

LifeSite News noted:

It is not likely that the House version of the bill would pass in the Democrat-controlled House, if even allowed to be voted on. This is despite the fact that the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which defines infant survivors of abortion as “human beings” entitled to all the rights in the U.S. Constitution, was passed by both Democrats and Republicans in 2002 and signed into law by then-President George W. Bush … In 2015, only five House Democrats supported the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which then-President Barack Obama said would have a “chilling effect” on “access to care.”

Perhaps this needs to be brought before the Supreme Court to decide if it's okay to kill a fully developed person. 

I am disgusted with my country . . . this is basic morality and the Democrats can't even get that right. 

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