Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Orleans Women's March Canceled: lack of support

The January event of the New Orleans Women's March is now canceled due to a "drastic" drop-off in support, The Washington Times reports.

“Due to several issues we have decided it is necessary to cancel the 2019 Women’s March in New Orleans,” the National Organization for Women’s Baton Rouge chapter posted on social media Friday. 

The reason for the cancelation may have to do with the notion that some people, even some on the left, don't want to be associated with a group led by anti-Semites such as Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez, Tamika Mallory and a woman named Bob Bland, although they did not initially specify the "issues" that led to NOW canceling the New Orleans Women's March.

This march is one of the largest in the country, and a further statement indicated a severe drop-off in both participation and fundraising after two major exposes in Tablet and in The New York Times revealed that the national Women's March's hierarchy was a hotbed of anti-Semitism and a refusal to denounce the loudest anti-Semite in the public eye, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the hate group Nation of Islam (NOI).

NOW Baton Rouge clearly believes the national Women's March leadership, including organizers Bob Bland, Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, and Carmen Perez, should resign.

"Many of the sister marches have asked the leaders of Women’s March, Inc. to resign but as of today, they have yet to do so,” NOW Baton Rouge's statement read. “The controversy is dampening efforts of sister marches to fundraise, enlist involvement, find sponsors and attendee numbers have drastically declined this year. New Orleans is no exception.”

Anti-Semitism is practically the normal cocktail conversation of the EU lately and has become increasingly open and accepted in some circles. Hatred of the Jews is actually part of the Islamic religion, which is why the Middle East is mainly on board with the total annihilation of Israel.

NOW Baton Rouge added that while they will be moving away from the annual marches, they will continue to work on behalf of the "resistance" in Louisiana.

"However, this does not mean the end of our momentum in Louisiana. It’s time to look past the marching and look towards a new stage of the movement," they added. "Going forward, we will re-organize and re-evaluate the momentum that the Women’s March gave all of us the first two years."

To prevent accusations of mismanagement, Baton Rouge NOW noted that they will be refunding donations and t-shirt purchases from unhappy members.

Although conservative organizations have often reported on Women's March leaders like the rodent-face Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, and their support for Farrakhan, stories published in Tablet and even The New York Times revealed to the mainstream that several of the March's key players associated regularly with the NOI and openly expressed anti-Semitic sentiments, even in the early days of the Women's March organization.

The New York Times and Tablet reports revealed that Sarsour, Mallory, and Perez pushed out Jewish women in leadership positions with the Women's March, and that Mallory -- who only recently attended the Nation of Islam's "Saviors Day" event, where Farrakhan likened Jews to tools of the devil -- "confronted" Jewish Women's March leaders over their role in the "oppression" of minorities.

Mallory, Tablet says, “asserted that Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people—and even, according to a close secondhand source, claimed that Jews were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade.” Which, of course, is bull crap. 

If any country is involve with the slave trade today, it would be Saudi Arabia, and many laborers in the Middle East are treated like slaves, sleeping dozens in one room, being beaten and paid a paupers salary.

And it wasn't the Jews dealing with the American slave trade--there weren't enough Jews, first of all, and the Jews that were in America during slavery were mainly powerless. It was primarily the British and it began in England. But to learn more about Jews and the slave trade, click here .

Instead of apologizing and distancing themselves from the Nation of Islam and its crap weasel leader, the Women's March has issued a series of lukewarm statements on "intersectionality." Mallory herself issued a shocking statement to The New York Times that only made the situation worse and proves the existence of her anti-Semitic sentiments.

The revelations have triggered a wave of Women's March cancellations.

In fact, the New Orleans Women's March is just the latest in a number of Women's Marches that won't be marching this year. Last week, the Chicago Women's March announced that it was canceling its annual event, which drew more than a quarter million people last year, over the same accusations of anti-Semitism. Several other, smaller marches are also canceled.

The anti-Semitic leadership is groveling in its own waste.

The Humboldt County Women's March was also canceled, but for a different reason unrelated to the national March. Northern California will not have a march because the racist organizers believed the march was "too white."

It doesn't get any crazier than this, folks.

Happy New Year fellow conservatives. Health and happiness to all. I hope that you follow Brain Flushings throughout the New Year and comment on any issues within. Please feel free to check out the sponsors on these pages too.

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