Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Hillary Clinton wants NYS to legalize abortions up to birth!

The 2016 presidential loser to President Trump
Hillary Clinton is a disgusting person and while she isn't on the campaign trail [thankfully] she is trying to use her influence to push for legalized about right up to birth. I guess the cries of one's baby should not deter pro-abortion women to kill their newborn children.

The witch announced plans, on Sunday, to help New York Gov. Andrew "The Dolt" Cuomo push a immoral, unconscionable pro-abortion bill in his state.

"I'll be joining Gov. Cuomo as he lays out his plan to codify Roe v. Wade and pass the Reproduction Health Act,"  Clinton wrote on Twitter. “There’s no time to wait.”

Yes, kill 'em while you can because once you get them home, you're not allowed to do that. 
Andrew Cuomo
Cuomo made no secret of his plans to ram the pro-abortion bill through the state legislature. He said he wants to see it pass within 30 days. His father, Mario Cuomo, when he was Gov. of New York for 189 years, once said that he's against abortion personally, but politically, he said he was pro-choice. So he wouldn't kill his own children, but it's okay if other people killed theirs. That makes no sense. [Mario Cuomo also said that conservatives "have no place in New York." Tolerance is a rare commodity among liberals.]

Pro-abortion lawmakers in New York have been trying to pass the radical pro-abortion Reproductive Health Act for years. New York is one of the most pro-abortion states in America. This bill would make the state even more pro-abortion if the legislation passes.

The bill would allow abortions on viable, late-term unborn babies for any “health” reason [which can often mean the mental health of the mother--that is, if having the baby makes her feel sad] and would keep abortion on demand legal in the state if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

The Times Union reports the bill would end a decades-old law that would criminalize late-term abortions if Roe is overturned and replace it with new language allowing abortion on demand. State Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan, is the sponsor and wishes she could shout her abortion, if she had one, in front of the world.

“It would proclaim abortion as a fundamental right [for the mother, not for the life of the person inside her] and impose an extreme abortion agenda on all New Yorkers,” according to New York State Right to Life.

The legislation passed the Assembly but was blocked by the Senate Health Committee before it got to the floor for a vote last year, saving the lives of countless people who have since been born.
Mario Cuomo

Among the most radically pro-abortion parts of the legislation, it would create a very loose definition of viability that could allow unborn babies to be aborted up to birth. According to a New York RTL analysis of the 2013 bill, which is basically the same as the current legislation:
“Roe v. Wade defined viability as the potential to ‘live outside the mother’s womb, albeit with artificial aid.’ RHA states that viability will be subjectively determined by the ‘licensed healthcare practitioner’ and no ‘extraordinary medical measures’ are required to help the child survive outside the womb. ‘Extraordinary medical measures’ is not defined.”
It also would end limits on late-term abortions by allowing third-trimester unborn babies to be aborted for all “health” factors including “physical, emotional, psychological, familial and the woman’s age.” So if the mother feels "sad" about becoming a responsible mother, she can kill her baby even after he or she exits the birth canal and enters the outside world.

Additionally, the bill says the state cannot “deny, regulate or restrict” abortion, not even for common-sense reasons such as parental consent for minors, informed consent or limits on taxpayer-funded abortions. This works great for Planned Parenthood whose name is an oxymoron because they plan to end the possible parenthood of the expectant mother. It's kind of like the "Start" button on a PC. It's actually the "End" button when you think about it.

Pro-life groups fear for medical workers’ rights as well. According to New York RTL, the bill does not provide conscience protections for religious hospitals or insurance companies, and medical workers could be forced to refer women for abortions.

Cuomo and Clinton both advocate for abortion on demand. During her miserable failure in the 2016 presidential campaign, Clinton not only pushed for abortion to be legal for any reason up to birth but also for taxpayer-funded abortions.

Thank G_d she lost . . . literally.

It's a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

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