Sunday, December 16, 2018

Trump may go the nepotism route: they all did it

President Trump is possibly considering appointing his son-in-law Jared Kushner as White House Chief of Staff, according to the Huffington Post.

Current Chief of Staff John Kelly is leaving the position by the end of the year, or possibly early next year, and the president is currently in search of his replacement.

“John Kelly will be leaving — I don’t know if I can say ‘retiring.’ But, he’s a great guy,” Trump said earlier this month. He says that about all the people he hires at first, but if they pull a "Michael Cohen" on him, well, not so much. [See Rex Tillerson; see Omarosa M. Newman.]

Kelly initially joined the Trump administration as Department of Homeland Security secretary. He replaced former Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus as chief of staff in July 2017, Fox News reported.

According to the Huffington Post, a “top Republican close to the White House” leaked that Kushner is interested in the chief of staff position.

If he does select his son-in-law, don't let the cries of nepotism fool you--JFK did it with Bobby as his AF, Bill Clinton, because nepotism goes back to the Founding Fathers of this country.

On Thursday, the president told reporters Thursday that he has his list of potential candidates down to five finalists. Perhaps he plans to trot them out in front of the cameras and have the studio audience guess which one is his choice, to add to the drama.

“We are interviewing people now for chief of staff,” Trump said, according to the Post.

Nick Ayers, who is the current chief of staff for Vice President Mike Pence, was also believed to be at the top of Trump’s list but he announced on Twitter that he plans to leave the White House and return to Georgia at the end of the year to have a life.

Ayers tweeted:
Thank you @realDonaldTrump, @VP, and my great colleagues for the honor to serve our Nation at The White House. I will be departing at the end of the year but will work with the #MAGA team to advance the cause. 🇺🇸 #Georgia
— Nick Ayers (@nick_ayers) December 9, 2018

The president debunked claims that Ayers had been chosen for the position on Twitter in order to seem as if no one ever turns him down. He tweeted:

“I am in the process of interviewing some really great [aka: tremendous] people for the position of White House Chief of Staff,” Trump wrote. “Fake News has been saying with certainty it was Nick Ayers, a spectacular person who will always be with our #MAGA agenda. I will be making a decision soon!”

Despite the Huffington Post’s [often fake news] report, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said she was not aware of Kushner’s consideration for the position, the Washington Examiner reported.

Well, it's anyone's guess as to who will be Trump's pick. Will it be Jared? Ivanka? Ben Shapiro?

Who do you think will take the White House Oscar? Please comment below.

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