Friday, December 28, 2018

Jemele Hill says calling Trump a 'white supremacist' is like saying 'water is wet'

When you see everything about people in racial terms, you might actually be the racist. Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Jessie Jackson, Marc Lamont Hill, and his namesake, Jemele Hill, come to mind.

According to Jemele Hill, calling President Trump a "white supremacist" is like saying "water is wet. I didn't even think it was controversial," Hill said on the first episode of Dan Le Batard’s “South Beach Sessions,” a part of the sports network’s Le Batard and Friends Podcast Network.

It's possible Trump could be a white supremacist, but it's incredibly unlikely given that his daughter converted to Judaism and he has a Jewish son-in-law, had a Jewish lawyer named Michael Cohen [you've likely heard of him] and he has never been known to associate with white supremacists. Also, he has hired black people many times in the past. That doesn't mean he has never said anything negative about anyone's religion or race, but I don't know of anyone who is free from that sin, including me, I suppose, and I'm married to a woman of color.

Does Hill even know the definition of white supremacist? Here's what Wikipedia has to say:
White supremacy or white supremacism is the racist belief that white people are superior to people of other races and therefore should be dominant over them. White supremacy has roots in scientific racism, and it often relies on pseudoscientific arguments. Like most similar movements such as neo-Nazism, white supremacists typically oppose members of other races as well as Jews.
Leftists and other progressives have actually called Ben Shapiro a white supremacist and a neo-Nazi. Actually, he happens to be an orthodox Jew who is the furthest thing one can be from a neo-Nazi, but ignorance on the left knows no bounds.

Jemele Hill, who was fired from the sports network after repeated violations of its social-media guidelines, made the comments on a new ESPN podcast network.

The racist Hill now works for the liberal Atlantic magazine. She said on the podcast that she thought “we” had “all decided” that the president was a white supremacist and that she was just making small talk on Twitter.

One does not "decide" that a person you obviously hate is a white supremacist based on nothing more than "we" had "all decided."

“If I was really trying to make a bold statement, I would have added the damn president. I didn’t, I was just talking casually with somebody,” she said. “It wasn’t even original. That’s what is so crazy. I got famous for saying something that wasn’t original. It wasn’t new. It was not breaking news. I thought we all decided this after Charlottesville.”

Hill also has called Mr. Trump a “bigot” and “unqualified and unfit to be president.” But Obama, who never ran an actual business was qualified because he was a community organizer, which is a socialist on a mission.

According to Mr. Le Batard, a longtime friend of Hill's, she is simply an “accidental activist” and a passionate journalist.

Journalists who are passionate, often forget to use facts over feelings. Both qualities are necessary for a full life, but the former, not the latter, is what makes one a real journalist. Sadly, that happens to be lacking in most journalism today.

It's obvious that Jemele Hill isn't alone in her contempt for President Trump, nor alone in her absence of facts over feelings in what she labels him. There is no question in my mind that Trump is not a man of great character, but that doesn't make him a white supremacist. However, it might get him in trouble down the road, and because he is our president, that would not be a good thing for the country.

The right wants him to succeed because of his position as president. The left wants him to fail because they hate him more than they love the country.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do.

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