Monday, December 10, 2018

DNC chair Perez hopes to overload SCOTUS

"Feces, I tell you, feces"
Democratic National Committee chairman Tom "Potty Mouth" Perez spoke at a Demand Justice event. Leftist activist hawked proposals such as stuffing the Supreme Court with as many Democrats as possible in order to have judicial rulings that favor their power and provide the left with even more ability to drive the nation into the ditch of history.

Demand Justice is run by former Hillary Clinton's spokesman Brian Fallon. The group was created in early 2018 and designed to influence political decisions of America's courts by supporting leftist judicial nominees and opposing conservative and right-of-center nominees. They use media to get their point across as well as identity politics and lies. They strongly opposed the confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

The group hosted a Wednesday night discussion on solutions to fix a "court in crisis" now that Donald Trump has gotten two justices confirmed to the SCOTUS in his first two years in office.

Fallon introduced Potty Mouth Perez with a speech on how proposals to "meaningfully reform the Supreme Court" need to be part of the Democratic presidential primary discussion.

Democrats have never been able to accept the fact that they lost to Trump and that elections have consequences. Now that the Supreme Court is a bit conservative-heavy, they can't tolerate it and want to change the rules, like a child who threatens to take his ball home if you don't allow him to be "safe" at first base.

"We must look at ideas like expanding the number of justices on the Court, to ensure that a future Democratic president might have the chance to fill two or more seats," Fallon cried, because it just isn't fair the way he sees it. "Some sort of reform must be part of the 2020 discussion, and we're hoping to start that discussion today."

Perez did not specifically argue for the proposal to pack the court or other recommendations such as impeaching Kavanaugh or installing term limits for justices, but he did characterize the "reform proposals" that were being offered during the event as "practical suggestions."

Impeach Kavanaugh for what?

"What I'm not going to do tonight, because there's a panel of remarkable experts to do it, is get into the critical minutia of what we do from here," Perez said to the crowd of liberal activists coming down from their highs.

"I'm confident you'll come away from here with a blueprint of practical suggestions," Perez added. "I've been in many foxholes with all of you, and I'll get in a foxhole with you all any day of the week."

Perez has never been in a real foxhole, or in a real combat situation in his life, but it sounds macho and makes him feel like a man.

Then a panel followed Perez's macho display featuring Todd Tucker [which brings to mind a limerick, which I cannot post here].

Last month Tucker released a report calling for "adding justices to the bench through Court expansion." He has been a longtime advocate for court packing, when it suits his party's purpose.  In June he claimed that court packing would be the best response to the "conservative majority’s support of Trumpism."

Others also spoke and advocated for court packing because the current SCOTUS favors the GOP.

Perez and the DNC have not state publicly whether he is for or against packing the Court if Democrats are able to gain power in 2020. The DNC did not respond to a request for comment on whether it views court packing as a winning issue for the party this election cycle, but it certainly shows the level at which they are sore losers.

Fallon also did not respond to an inquiry into whether he had discussed court packing with Perez.

The full event can be viewed on Demand Justice's Facebook page.

Watch it and learn who the left really is.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.

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