Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Minneapolis police union says: 'Don't vote for Keith Ellison'

Representatives from the Minneapolis Police Union in an emergency press conference just three days before the election for Minnesota Attorney General, in an unprecedented move, asked voters to reject Keith Ellison, as they believe he is unfit to be Attorney General.

The union detailed some of the reasons they felt this way, and I will add a few others that support their claim.

First of all, Lt. Bob Kroll, president of the Police Officers Federation along with other officers urged Minnesota voters to reject Ellison due to his extensive history of supporting cop killers and other criminals. The union continued their support and endorsement of Doug Wardlow, for Minnesota Attorney General.

"Minnesota the choice is clear: Keith Ellison's Anti-Law Enforcement views are disqualifying. Mr. Ellison has a long history of supporting cop killers." Kroll stated in the presser, and noted that Republican Doug Wardlow is the Federation's preferred choice for the position.

Kroll spoke of his time when he had 3 years on the force and officer Jerry Hoff was executed at the Pizza Shack and Ellison was the attorney general and represented the shooter.

"He represented Sherif Willis, who was suspected of plotting the execution at his home. His ties to the Vice Lords gang are disturbing," Kroll told the Star Tribune.

"Minnesota should be concerned about the prospect of him as our top law enforcement official," Kroll said, referring to Ellison.

The second reason given about why Ellison should not be endorsed by the union has made the headlines of conservative outlets.

"Most recently, the domestic assault allegations speak for themselves. Someone with that type of history is not qualified for the office of top law enforcement in our state," Kroll explained.

"Keith Ellison has a long history, and it's a negative history with the Minneapolis Police Department."

But the worst thing about Ellison, besides the fact that he always represented the scum of the midwest, was his close relationship with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam and a self-avowed anti-Semite.

A vote for Ellison is a vote to make America into Europe and eventually, the Middle East.

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