Saturday, October 20, 2018

New York man threatens to kill 2 senators, is diagnosed with Democrataphrenia

A New York man was diagnosed with a new psychiatric disorder when he threatened to kill two U.S. senators who supported Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation for the U.S. Supreme Court. The diagnosis is known as "Democrataphrenia."

The diagnosis has yet to be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) but it should be done at the next revision.

Ronald DeRisi, 74, a resident of Smithtown, N.Y., was charged Friday with threatening federal officials, according to federal prosecutors. He was ordered to undergo a complete psychiatric evaluation Friday, but the tentative diagnosis is Democrataphrenia, a newly diagnosed psychotic disorder [which affects both men and women equally] who hold beliefs that contain at least three of the following:
(a)   personal entitlement without actual merit
(b)   intersectionality hierarchy without evidence of merit [see (a)]
(c)   socialism/Marxism and the wearing of "Che" teeshirts
d)   mob mentality with mixed episodes of hypocrisy as observed in            Antifa mobs
(e)  speech modulation impairment                                                          (f)   increase in a decrease of tolerance of people with different beliefs  (g)  gender confusion with impairment in clothing selection
Mr. DeRisi was ordered to be detained as he "could pose a danger to the community. The senators who received threatening messages were not named by officials for their protection from others suffering from Democrataphrenia.

Prosecutors said DeRisi started leaving voicemails on Sept. 27, the day Justice Kavanaugh appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and denied sexually assaulting the "belchy voice" California professor Christine Blasey Ford when they were both children 36 years ago or so.

The first voicemail in which DeRisi did not identify himself, he claimed to have a "present" for the senator, the criminal complaint states.

"It's a nine-millimeter," he said, obviously a fan of the Second Amendment and not in line with most leftists. "Side of your [expletive]. . . skull . . . Yeah Kavanaugh--I don't think so."

The other senator's phone message said, "Listen . . . don't you know the guy's a sex offender? How could you not know that . . . I'm gonna get you," Newsday reported.

According to U.S. Capitol Police, DeRisi left ten voicemails at the senators' offices. He made the calls from a "burner" cellphone, as spy novels call them, but authorities were able to trace the phone to his debit card, prosecutors said.

Investigators used cellphone records and "location information" from a phone provider to discover the calls were placed near the idiot's home in Suffolk County on Lawn Guyland, [as people from Long Island pronounce it].

A search warrant was executed and law enforcement found ammunition and a BB gun at DeRisi's home, The New York Times reported.

But it was a scary BB gun and resembled a real 9 mm handgun, according to Vinny Boombots for Brain Flushings.

In a previous case, DeRisi pleaded guilty to making at least 15 harassing calls to another victim's home and office.

His attorney, Peter Brill, claimed his client was "not able to comprehend right and wrong," and added that he "is not a physical threat to anyone."

Threatening to kill a U.S. official is a federal crime punishable up to 10 years in the slammer.

DeRisi's best defense, however, is his diagnosis of Democrataphrenia.

Rep. Maxine Waters (Woke D- Calif.) commented on the allegations saying "Right on!"

Spartacus Unchained said, "This is how we do it on the coast against men who attack women, even when there's no proof.

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