Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saudis explanation of Khashoggi's death pathetic

Jamal Khashoggi is officially dead.

The Saudi government is trying to get the U.S. to believe that Khashoggi, a columnist for the Washington Post living in the United States, was accidentally strangled in a kerfuffle with 15 Saudi henchmen from the national security services and military on October 2nd in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul [which was once called Constantinople]. I guess Khashoggi thought he could kick the stuffings out of those 15 guys.

The deputy director of Saudi intelligence [apparently that has become an oxymoron] and his top communications adviser said they arrested the entire hit squad and three others for Khashoggi's death. [They didn't actually call the crew a "hit squad" but you don't "accidentally" choke someone to death if you're a professional bad guy for the king.]

The kingdom [to which former President Obama deeply bowed to the former Saudi king] appointed that same crown prince to head up a committee to review the incident and restructure the country's intelligence agency, all to keep their Saudi-U.S. ties intact--for no other reason.

President Trump said the arrests are "a great first step" and wants to talk more to the Saudis about the incident. The White House issued a statement of condolences to the Khashoggi family over the "tragic" incident.

The Saudi announcement came over the weekend, in the dead of night, when even the camel milkmen were still asleep. Many people not mentally disabled, see the announcement as a pathetic attempt to salvage the U.S.-Saudi relationship and exonerate the guy directly or tacitly responsible for the murder--Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Bin Salman [aka: MBS or "Mr. Bone Saw"] claimed Khashoggi was drugged and dismembered at the consulate in a very horrible fashion. Supposedly he was cut up into fifteen pieces, but that is just speculation.

The Saudis have been killing people for decades and we have not said anything about it. However, they may succeed in fixing their relationship with the Trump administration and save the young crown prince from his screw up. The president doesn't want to lose the weapons deal he just made with the Saudis and to a large degree, that is understandable because Iran may step in and do their own deal.

However, the Saudi's explanation of how Khashoggi was killed, after 18 days of insisting he left the consulate alive and in one piece, is as believable as Stormy Daniels having an orgasm, or Michael Avenatti claiming he never had an intimate moment with her.

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tweeted: "To say that I am skeptical of the new Saudi narrative about Mr. Khashoggi is an understatement." He is also threatening to go over to Saudi Arabia and "kick some Arab butt."

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) called Khashoggi's disappearance "not credible," because he hadn't yet learned the word "incredible."

What do you think? Please feel free to leave a comment and give us your opinion.

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