Sunday, September 16, 2018

Trudeau wants to change Canada's laws to accommodate Muslim criminals

Canada [aka Little Socialist America] -- Canadian Prime Minister who rode in on his daddy's coattails, Justin Trudeau, is one of the worst leaders of the West, running head-to-head with Germany's Angela Merkel for the first spot on the list.

Now the pot smoking PM wants to change Canadian laws to be softer and more understanding on Muslims who break them. He and his liberal troglodytes are bringing Bill C75 forward, "which will alter the range of penalties for a slew of serious crimes in Canada."

The three illustrated here all involve Islam.
1. Someone who abducts a 13-year-old girl will not face prison so rape  gangs don't run out of "merchandise." Once a person is convicted of this crime, a judge will now be allowed to consider the sentence as a summary conviction instead of an indictable offense, so rather serving time in the slammer, a simple fine could be just fine. The offender doesn't go to jail and is back out on the street. 
2. Human traffickers will no longer face prison. It's the same deal for them and they too can get away with just paying a fine. In fact, with their new option, it would actually pay to deal in human trafficking because the fine 'ain't no big thayng.' 
3. More relaxed penalties will be given to those participating in a          terrorist group. Like a freaking fine! Same deal for potential killers.
It's beginning to look a lot like sharia, everywhere you go in Canada.

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