Monday, September 3, 2018

Oldest British man to have the procedure discusses his voluntary genital mutilation

Four years ago, the oldest man in Britain had gone ahead and had his penis and testicles mutilated to accommodate the delusion that he's a woman, in spite of his X chromosome and his ability to produce sperm cells.

Fortunately for him, and to his surprise, the National Health Service [aka taxpayers] footed the bill for the mutilation--he is currently 85 years quite old.

Changing his name from James Rose to Ruth Rose, his doctor had finally told him he would be considered for the genital procedure which would mentally confirm his delusion. The "good news" elicited a throaty giggle from the dude.

British newspaper The Sun, interviewed him and he spoke of his joy over his mental illness and the surgery he was not required to pay for out of pocket or skirt.

Rose defended the £4,000 cost for the penile mutilation to make it resemble a labia. His defense was that he volunteered for charities that support the elderly and he sat on an NHS advisory board. In his mind, that should qualify him for taxpayer funded a genital "cut and tuck.""

He told the BBC, "It is only in the past 15 years that this has become acceptable. Before that people thought it was just for freaks."

He's wrong.

In reality, intelligent people did not think genital mutilation was for freaks, but for the mentally ill. Fifteen years ago people who wanted their genitals mutilated to accommodate their delusions were diagnosed with gender identity disorder. But that changed due to pressure placed on the National Institute of Mental Health by the LBGTQ etc., community.

Ruth had been living as a transvestite several years prior to his surgery. He had been an ex-Royal Air Force navigator, mechanical engineer and financial consultant. You would think with his last position he would have the knowledge to have saved up for his own surgical procedure, but perhaps he wasn't very good at it.

The guy was married but didn't tell his wife that he dressed like a woman, In 1973 she found pictures of him dressed that way and they divorced in 2003.

He waited until his retirement to come out as a transvestite but he said he wanted to be female at age nine. Sadly, once he was born male, that was "all she wrote."

[Pardon the pun.]

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