Saturday, September 29, 2018

Joyless Behar hates her white skin

Joy Behar said on Friday that the reason Senate Republicans want to push Kavanaugh's vote for confirmation to the Supreme Court without an FBI investigation is the GOP's way of retaining their "white power."

Behar, a co-host of the 'special needs education' TV programming known as "The View," made her racist, self-loathing statement [she is a Caucasian female] as a reaction to Thursdays Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh is accused of sexual misconduct by Christine Blasey Ford who cited people who she alleged witness the crime, that was said to have happened 36 years go, but all of those she mentioned have refuted her story while Kavanaugh was able to show corroborating evidence that he was never at the so-called party Ford mentions in the allegation.

"The people on the Republican side, it looks to me," Behar began, "do not want to investigate this any further. They just want to hold on to their power. They know that this country is getting darker. White Europeans are now 61 percent of the population . . . In 2045 it will be 49 percent."

[Gee, that never occurred to me. I don't count people by their skin color like liberals tend to do. I'm not even married to a white woman and I happen to be white.]

The low-information host was referencing stats from a 2014 study from the Brookings Institute.

"So it's almost like they're worried that, 'Oh white people are going to lose all their power.' So they don't care if she's lying or he's lying. They just want to hold onto their power."

What power? Aren't there laws to ensure that skin color is not a determining factor in outcome--except for liberal institutions that make a preference for people of color. Harvard University apparently favors blacks over others and have even made it more difficult for Asians to be accepted as they require a higher score than blacks.

And facts do not make me a white supremacist, because I am not and never have been. But I am sick and tired of liberals attacking "old white men." That's racist and ageist all rolled up into one form of racism.

There is a guarantee of opportunity in this country, not a guarantee of outcome. Not everyone in the adult world gets a trophy. It's the liberal way of thinking and it's immoral because it attacks the concept of hard work and various natural abilities.

Behar went on to claim that the U.S. would soon look like South Africa; an apartheid nation, "where ten percent of white people were running the country."

Ironically, the 115th Congress elected in 2016 is the most diverse in U.S. history.

The U.S. will never look like South Africa.

On Friday, President Trump ordered the FBI to conduct a limited "supplemental" background investigation into the unsubstantiated allegations made by Dr. Ford, after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to endorse Kavanaugh in a 11-10 party-line vote. The inquiry is not to last more than one week.

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