Sunday, September 2, 2018

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard marches with Israeli flag on soles of boots but Israel gets back

Somewhere in the s***hole of Iran -- Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officer [the "s" is silent, Mr. Obama] was marching through the streets doing a Rockette-style high-kick to show off his new Payless boots with the image of an Israeli flag on the soles.

It's no secret the entire Iranian government is built upon Islamic hatred of Jews and the destruction of Israel and all its people. It's a Koranic imperative and proves that Islam is by no means at all a religion of peace, as they pretend.

It's all about Jihad--like when Muhammed had anywhere from 600 to 900 captured Jews of the Quraysh tribe beheaded.

Of course, if you talk about what's in the Koran or quote it verbatim, you're labeled "Islamophobic."

But take heart--Israel responded to Iran's call for the destruction of the Jewish State by issuing Iranian flag toilet paper.

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