Saturday, September 15, 2018

Andrew Cuomo pretends to be a socialist then minimizes Democratic socialism

New York Gov. and 'Special Needs Politician' Andrew Cuomo campaigned so far to the left in this primary, people may have thought he was running for president of Venezuela. But on Friday, he slammed into New York's Democratic socialist [aka socialist] wave after easily beating his gubernatorial challenger, and lesbian actress, Cynthia Nixon. He pretended to dismiss the socialist movement by referring to it as "not even a ripple."

"That is a revolution," the block of wood named Cuomo said of his win. "That is a wave. On the numbers. Not on some Twittersphere dialogue where I tweet you and you tweet me and between the two of us, we think we have a wave. We're not even a ripple," he added cryptically, or in his secret language that only he and his brother Chris share.

But let's be real, Democratic socialists are beating long-standing establishment candidates all across the country, and Cuomo is one of those long-standing politicians.

[Chris Stirewalt of Fox News put it nicely about Cuomo saying that "He was born on third base and everyone thinks he hit a triple," referring to the fact that he's the former New York Gov., Mario Cuomo's son.]

He was a big target for the far left but he won due to his name and Hillary Clinton's backing along with several tons of money.

He pontificated to reporters on Friday, trying to present himself as the pragmatic progressive [which is an oxymoron], rather than a "pontificator."

Cuomo bragged about his progressive achievements on minimum wage, gun control and same-sex marriage, which insinuates that he's not a good Catholic nor an expert in economics.

His opponent, socialist Cynthia Nixon said Cuomo dove to the left to fend off her campaign, calling it the "Cynthia Effect," and she's correct. Sadly, the entire Democratic Party is morphing into the Democratic Socialist Party because leftists want everything handed to them.

Cuomo the New York Daily News:
"A progressive Democrat, a Democrat in New York state, these are not ivory tower academics, these are not pontificators, these are not people who live in the abstract or theoretical. 
"New York Democrats, these are hard-working men and women, they're middle class, they're working families, they have real problems, and they need real help in life, and they don't need theoretical or abstract solutions, they need real solutions in their lives."
Although he clearly attacked Nixon, Andy Boy Cuomo also took a swipe at Alexandria "Blame-it-on-the-Bossa-Nova-Ocasio-Cortez, another Democratic socialist who doesn't know the difference between socialism and democratic socialism, or excrement from Shinola. But she's young, not frumpy like Hillary, and Bernie loves her.

Due to her poverty of economic expertise, she has become the darling of the left and Cuomo went after her before Bill Clinton got a chance.

"I am not a socialist. I am not 25 years old. [I believe Cortez is actually 26]. I am not a newcomer. But I am a progressive, and I deliver progressive results."

And those results can be viewed in Chicago, Detroit and San Francisco.

Cuomo will face Republican Marc Molinaro and Independent Stephanie Miller in November. He will win--New Yorkers are clueless.

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