Thursday, August 16, 2018

Media leaker Reality Winner is biggest loser in sentencing

Savannah, Ga. -- Ex-National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner pleaded guilty in June to mailing a secret U.S. report to an online news organization and is scheduled for sentencing August 23rd by a federal judge in Augusta.

Winner's plea deal was for a five year three month prison sentence but the judge isn't bound by that agreement. The charge for leaking secret information is ten years.

Winner's arrest last year was announced on the same day The Intercept published a story on a classified report by the NSA on Russian hackers and the 2016 election.

Intellectual giant and American heroine, Rosie O'Donnell, defended Winner and called her a "brave young patriot" and gave her $1,000. She tweeted:
"I support reality winner speak truth to power #resist #womenUNITE" 
She also added a GoFundMe link page to raise money for the traitor, which illustrates O'Donnell's lack of judgment.

It's about time the law clamps down on leakers of classified information.

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