Thursday, August 30, 2018

Ill. Dem. dummy compares POTUS to Osama bin Laden

Mouth-breather and maybe
 the next Dem in Congress?
Wheaton, Ill. -- A hopeless Democratic congressional hopeful Sean Casten said that he believes President Trump has a "tremendous amount in common" with Osama bin Laden, the founder of the terrorist organization al Qaeda, the group responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed almost  3,000 people.

It's hard to believe that anyone takes the Democratic Party seriously, but then again, many of them watch CNN and MSNBC.

"In many ways--and I don't mean to sound overly, I don't know, hyperbolic on this--Trump and Osama bin Laden have a tremendous amount in common," the hyperbolic idiot said, which was recorded on audio from a February meeting with voters that the Washington Free Beacon was able to acquire.

Casten is a "clean energy entrepreneur" and a highly qualified schmuck, which puts him in good stead with the party that has gone so far to the left that it's causing high tides on California's coastline. He made the stupidly insensitive comparison after a voter asked about his plans to advance gun-control legislation if he was elected [God forbid].

His comment was part of an explanation that gun-control opponents, whom he apparently compared to al-Qaeda supporters, are what will keep gun-control legislation from advancing to the House floor.

So Casten thinks that Second Amendment supporters also support al-Qaeda? From what does he base that baseless opinion on? Does he just like hearing the sound of his voice when he says incredibly stupid and insulting things?

"They have both figured out how to use the bully pulpit to activate marginalized young men," Casten said without a shred of credibility. "Every demagogue has done this--find a group of angry people and give them something to be angry at."

But not including Antifa nor Black Lives Matter.

The terrorist comparison began when a woman told Casten that her child was afraid to go to school because of gun violence. You can hear the conversation they had here and you might agree that the woman has more insight than Casten when she mentions the culture being a big part of the problem. He sees it as a problem with gun access.

Then he makes the comparison with Trump and bin Laden saying that both have used the bully pulpit to activate marginalized young men.

Wrong. Religious extremism is what has activated young Muslim men, and it wasn't simply bin Laden--it was the imams and other Islamic clergy who have helped that process.

Whenever liberals make stupid comparisons like calling a particular Republican Hitler, or Nazi, or Osama, they minimize and trivialize the terrible things those people did.

And by the way, the number of those marginalized young men who support Trump are astonishingly small in number. The neo-Nazis at the last rally that was scheduled had about 20 protesters show up, while Antifa outnumbered them by hundreds.

Evidently, the attendees at the meeting didn't object to Casten's hyperbole, proving the notion that liberalism truly is a mental illness.

This is why Trump is president.

Last year, Tom Perriello, the failed Virginia senatorial candidate, was caught by the Free Beacon calling Trump's election "a political and constitutional September 11." He later said he regretted the comparison and apologized.

Casten is running against Republican Rep. Peter Roskam, who has held the seat for eleven years and won by a wide margin in 2016 in a district Hillary Clinton won that year.

The race is considered a toss-up by most election prognosticators.

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