Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Maxine Waters: still crazy after all these years

She blew out her 80 candles after the smoke detectors and sprinklers went off, and screamed that her birthday wish was to "Impeach Forty-five! Impeach Forty-five!"

But "Forty-five" [aka: President Donald J. Trump] was unfazed by her bile and wished Rep.[ulsive] Maxine Waters (Dummy--Calif.) a happy birthday. Trump wants Waters to be viewed as the  face of the Democratic Party, because Waters is not just a cranky old woman with bad dentures and a socialist with bad ideas, she's a person who's sure to help the GOP whenever she opens her mouth.

"Happy Birthday to the leader of the Democrat Party, Maxine Water!" he tweeted, misspelling her last name on purpose, just to piss her off.

Waters turned 80 on Wednesday and said her "biggest birthday wish" is to get Trump impeached and out of office.

"I would wish that we could remove [Trump] from office," she told the MSNBC communist host this week. She added that if this didn't happen, that "2020 is coming up," and she hopes to make it.

The big reason she wants Trump out of office is because "He doesn't even know the words to the 'Star-Spangled Banner.'"

It turns out, neither does she, but she isn't the president and doesn't need to know them. "He needs to know the words, he don't know them. He don't know them words, I know he don't. He needs to go! Impeach Forty-five! Impeach Forty-five!"

The crowds around her cheered and some were even able to feed themselves.

Trump and Waters have slammed each other for months, with Waters calling for his impeachment between her trips to the toilet.

In June, she encouraged her fellow fascists to confront Trump Cabinet members publicly and shame them over their Trump Cabinet jobs and their beliefs that people should have equal opportunity but not necessarily equal outcomes. She is also angry over Trump's policies, for example: there should be a border keeping illegal immigrants out; tax reduction; smaller government; stronger military; more jobs for blacks and Hispanics; and that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

How dare he.
Waters with Louis Farrakhan, an
anti-Semite and white-person-hater
"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," she screamed into a low-budget microphone.

This disgusting request came after White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family was told to leave a Red Hen restaurant in Virginia.

And don't forget, Waters was voted the most corrupt member of Congress four times!

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