Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Boston-area mayor wants to boycott Sam Adams brewery for supporting Trump

The mayor of Somerville, Massachusetts is upset that Jim Koch, the owner of the Samuel Adams Brewery--a native Boston establishment named after a founding father-- had the gall to praise the President of the United States for his corporate tax cuts.

Now the mayor, who puts his hatred for President Trump ahead of the success of a local business, has called for a boycott of the company that produces one of the finest beers outside of some micro breweries.

The Boston Business Journal reported that Koch dined with the president and 12 other major US business executives, including the CEOs of FedEx, Johnson & Johnson, and the flaming Democrat and outgoing CEO of PepsiCo.

Koch noted that Trump's tax cuts have greatly helped small business owners, and evened the playing field for American corporations, particularly breweries seeking to compete globally.

"Now we have a level playing field," Koch began, "and we're going to kick their ass." And he wasn't even drinking.

This was not acceptable for Somerville mayor, Joe Curtatone [whose name sounds like a sunscreen] and he took to Twitter to vow revenge against the Boston brewery.

"I will never drink Sam Adam's beer again!" --Joseph A. Curtatone (@JoeCurtatone) August 12, 2018.

Nobody actually cared what the mayor said and the brewery wasn't afraid they were going to fold based on this moron choosing a lesser beer to fart from.

And then Curtatone had to go one step further:
"Hey Jim Koch! While you were thanking Trump for your tax break, did you happen to express any concern for the families separated under his cruel and inhumane immigration enforcement policy?" @SamuelAdamsBeer --Joseph A. Curtatone (@JoeCurtatone) August 12, 2018
The boycott isn't working because boycotts are kind of stupid.

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