Monday, July 2, 2018

Misplaced Outrage by the Left on Illegal Immigration

Photo: Fox News
Arizona Desert -- The left is outraged over the fact that President Trump is following the Constitution and instituting "zero tolerance" at the border. They are especially angry over the separation of the children coming over the border from the adults who claim to be family members of the kids.

The left is not, however, the least bit upset with the adults, (who may or may not be family), that bring these children across harsh, hot desert, sometimes using smugglers known as "coyotes" who don't care anything about them other than getting paid.

But the left is outraged with the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and just as angry at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

While on patrol Saturday afternoon, CBP agents happened upon a small 6-year-old Costa Rican boy. He clutched a filthy backpack as he crouched along the side of the road.

The little boy told Border Patrol that his "uncle" had abandoned him in the extreme heat. The chances that this so-called "uncle" was really a relative rather than a human trafficker, is about the same as a snowball would have had in that hot desert where the temperature had reached over 100 degrees.

The child was discovered west of Lukeville, Arizona and slightly north of the border.

"The child told agents he was dropped off by his uncle and that Border Patrol would pick him up. He added that he was on his way to see his mother in the U.S.," an agent said.

The left isn't only not outraged with what happened to that little boy, the mainstream media rarely reports it.

Instead, the left demonizes the agencies that protect our borders and protect human life by our borders.

The left was upset when Trump followed the law established during the Bill Clinton administration, saying it was cruel to keep kids separated. But they were also upset when Trump said he would keep the families together because now, the left cries, the kids are being incarcerated like their parents.

The left needs to be outraged over the cruelty being waged on the children who are subjected to the cruelties of the journey. This incident highlights these dangers that people, especially kids, face on this perilous journey.

Fun Fact: Coyotes get paid up to $4,000 per smuggled person.

Thankfully, and thanks to CBP, the boy was found in "good condition" and was taken to an area hospital for treatment.

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