Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Leftist media, most who never ran a business, angry at NFL business decision

Liberal media people, most of whom never ran a business or headed a company, are angry over a decision made by the National Football League's decision to combat national anthem protests, thereby combatting huge losses in revenue.

The libtards took to Twitter Wednesday and were outraged of the new policy that would punish a club if its players do not "stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem."

And the country and the men and women who died protecting their right no show disrespect.

Hey, the NFL is a business. Any business has the right to make policies that may challenge the rights of citizens WHEN THEY ARE WORKING FOR THAT COMPANY! After work, they can do what they want, but if their behavior is so egregious that it hurts their bottom line, they have every right to make policies and procedures that assuage the problem.

The NFL's policy comes after two years of anger and controversy over the former mediocre quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers Colin Kaepernick, the inarticulate cretin who, in an attempt at relevancy, kneeled during the national anthem as a protest against police brutality.

Kaepernick's unpatriotic display over an issue that was perpetrated in isolated incidents rather than a major occurrence, triggered angry debates across the nation and President Trump criticized the behavior.

On Wednesday, the NFL announced the new guidelines that require players on the field to stand during the anthem but allows the uninformed, low-information players to skip the "Star Spangled Banner" and remain in the locker room where they can snap wet towels at each other's butts and use profanity.

Due to the network's hatred for the country, CNN's Marc Lamont Hill urged all players to remain in the locker room. If they do, I suspect all the fans will remain in their homes spending time with their families.

The bitter Hill said "The worst part is that we've just accepted the idea that the national anthem has to be sung before each game as an article of faith."

Hill needs to look up the word 'tradition.'

NBC News anchor Chuck Todd said the policy feels like a "band-aid that won't stick."

The Johnson and Johnson Corporation is considering suing Todd for the use of its product's copyrighted name. 

Band Aids stick like glue and heal that cut.

Having his head up his nether regions and getting it backwards, Todd wrote: "There's just something that feels un-American about forcing folks to abide what is, well, the league's own policies."

First of all, there's something un-American about disrespecting the American National Anthem. Second, there's something un-American about forcing a private company to make policies that conform to your wishes that would lose them revenue.

Sports Illustrated writer Jimmy Traina wrote: "I have a stupid question: If the NFL and its racist owners are going to penalize a team 15 yards if a player kneels during the anthem, what happens if players from both teams kneel?"

Is every owner in the NFL a racist? How do you know? What evidence do you have to make such a disgusting claim? In fact, the claim itself sounds racist.

But to answer your "stupid question," if both players kneel each team is penalized on their next possession of the ball, or each team loses a 'time out.' If they have no time outs remaining, each team loses those players for the next game. 

Or something like that. It isn't insurmountable, Jimmy.

I believe the players actually do have the right to take a knee and the owners have the right to do what they must in order to help their businesses. If an employee is told he or she must dress a certain way [according to the policy of the company] and refuses to do so, they have that right. Just as the company has the right to fire them.

Rights work both ways.

The truth is, the media loves this kind of thing--it's oxygen for them.

Max J. Rosenthal of the Washington Post believes Americans should skip the national anthem altogether. "Just a reminder that if we stopped playing the anthem before sporting events, we wouldn't ever have to argue about this again."

Except at the Olympics if we win gold medals.

We could then also skip the Fourth of July celebrations, Flag Day, Veterans Day and all government events where the anthem is played.

Hell, we could stop calling ourselves Americans altogether. That would please Rosenthal and all the leftists who actually hate the country, believing we are the worst of all people when, in fact, we are the best.

And I am not ashamed to say that--only they are along with the previous administration.

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