Sunday, April 8, 2018

Rep. Cleaver hired former 'Mickey D' burger-flipper to manage his data for 3 years

"The Cleav"
Democratic Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (no relation to Beaver Cleaver as "The Beav" is a fictional character) hired Rao Abbas, a former McDonald's hamburger-flipper, to manage his digital data for three years.

"The Beav"
Cleaver  paid Abbas $60,000 as his IT guy in order to cover his actual IT guy, Imran Awan. He claimed on an audio recording that the now-indicted Imran Awan was actually his guy, a very un-kosher move.

The Democratic congress-crumb is facing a serious ethics complaint for paying an unqualified former McDonald's employee to manage his data for 3 years and allegedly admitting he handed over control of his server to Pakistani-American, and now indicted scumwafer, Imran Awan, despite Awan not being on his staff.

It isn't clear whether any sensitive government information was secreted to the Pakistani government, but the possibility definitely exists.

A complaint against Cleaver asks the Congressional Ethics Office to investigate his response to a question about his IT aide Rao Abbas, whose previous job was flipping burgers and wiping counters at a McDonald's restaurant.

"Imran is the guy who worked in our office," Cleaver said on an audio recording. "I don't know this other guy."
"The other guy"

But payroll records tell a different story. They show Awan wasn't on Cleaver's payroll, and for the last 3 years, the only person he authorized to manage his servers was a burger server named Rao Abbas.

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