Thursday, December 28, 2017

Who isn't racist?

Farmers' markets are racist, the ability to teach or solve geometry or algebra problems perpetuates is racist, and even being born Caucasian is racist.

Implying that white people are racist is racist. 

Everyone is racist. 

Except people who are accused of Islamophobia.

People who are labeled Islamophobes aren't racist because Islam isn't a race, and a phobia is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about concerns over Islamic terrorism in the name of jihad. 

And being labeled Islamophobic because you criticize the Muslim Brotherhood or any of its arms, isn't irrational nor does it have anything to do with a race.

Criticizing the immigration ban from majority Muslim countries isn't racist either, nor is it Islamophobic. It's simply smart.

White privilege is a myth perpetrated on us by socialists and communists who want what they can earn themselves in the United States because here we have equal opportunity. If black families had both parents living under the same roof, their offspring has the same statistical chance of being successful. 

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Guess how many criminal illegal aliens have been released into our cities and towns

I'll get right to it [unlike some writers who tell you the history of legal immigration, illegal immigration, the history of the country...