Friday, December 22, 2017

Twitter favors liberals and Ben Shapiro proved it

Conservative intellect Ben Shapiro and angry loser Rosie O'Donnell appear to dislike each other. Their Twitter relationship has taken a terrible turn with O'Donnell showing her lack of cleverness and vocabulary to use a vulgar sexual term.

Shapiro said that he's using O'Donnell's tweets, that include the vulgar sexual term, to see if the social media platform favors liberals or if they're fair and balanced.

"Just reported @Rosie for targeted harassment, mainly to see if Twitter does indeed have a double standard. Everyone knows if Rosie were conservative, Twitter would suspend her in a hot second. So, Twitter, put your money where your mouth is," Ben tweeted. He added the popular #MeToo hashtag.

He explained further: "It's an attempt to clarify Twitter's standards. I don't actually want them to ban or suspend Rosie. I want them to stop applying their own rules inconsistently."

You would have a better chance of convincing a goldfish to ride a tandem bike with you before Twitter would be consistent with liberals and conservatives.

Earlier this week, O'Donnell said that she would give $2 million each to Senators Susan Collins and Jeff Flake if they voted against the tax reform legislation.

Shapiro, who graduated from Harvard Law School, and is also the editor of The Daily Wire, responded to O'Donnell, who is a college dropout, with a series of jabs and an article he wrote on his website titled: "Rosie O'Donnell Violates Federal Law, Offers To Bribe Republican Senators To Vote Against The Tax Bill."

Another Shapiro tweet called for the corpulent former comedian to be locked up. He joked, "If Trump orders Sessions to investigate Rosie, he will be carved into Rushmore on Friday."

After Shapiro's posts, O'Donnell came back at him with the brilliant profanity-laced reply: "suck my d**k Ben." [It's improbable that she was referring to a sex toy, but perhaps she was.]

The exchange continued as Shapiro went on: "You're already a felon, Rosie. Don't be a homophobic sexual harasser too."

After Shapiro alerted his followers that he reported the felon homophobe, she simply replied, "oh ben." He responded: "All victims deserve to be believed."

Of course, O'Donnell's account was still active at the time the story came out, but she blocked Shapiro, realizing she was no match for his intellect.

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