Saturday, December 23, 2017

Australia: Muslim plows car into shoppers, injures 19--no motive yet

Melbourne, Australia -- Here we go again. A Muslim plowed an SUV into a crowd of Christmas shoppers in Australia. He told police that he did it in retaliation on the "mistreatment of Muslims."

The jihadi, Saeed Noori, 32, injured 19 and three of them are in critical condition. He sped his vehicle into a busy Melbourne intersection outside the city's main train station just prior to 5 p.m. Thursday.

Noori was granted entry into Australia in 2004 from Afghanistan. The refugee became a citizen two years later.

Speaking of the scum-wafer, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said, "He has said that he attributes his actions to the perceived mistreatment of Muslims."

Despite the comments, officials say Noori, who has a history of mental illness known as jihad, has no known links to any extremist groups other than the religion itself, which calls for death to the infidels unless they convert or be "subdued." He was not on intelligence agencies' list of potential terror suspects, which says a lot about Australia's intelligence agencies.

The devout Muslim, Noori, also made references to Allah and Australia's domestic security service after his arrest. It is highly possible that he commented that the domestic security service is a joke.

Noori spoke from his hospital bed about his dreams of a world in which everyone bows to mighty Allah and all Jews and Christians are killed. He also heard voices but that may have merely been an auditory hallucination or the voice of Allah speaking to him.

The brilliant acting Chief Commissioner of the Victoria Police Shane Patton said: "I don't have an issue with saying this is an act of terrorism if we establish that it is."

What a sage. What an incredible mind to come up with that possibility. I don't know where Patton got it from, but he's right on target, possibly.

"It would be easier to come out and say that straight up. But that's not the case at this stage [it may simply be that Noori had an argument with one of his wives]. We don't have sufficient [evidence] to justify that."


Noori remains in police custody and charges are pending. Reckless driving is being considered. Or possibly the mistreatment of Australians.

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