Thursday, December 14, 2017

Three women accuse Dustin Hoffman of sexual misconduct

It's beginning to look a lot like everyone in the public eye except for Ben Shapiro and maybe Fr. Jonathan Morris (a Fox News religion contributor) are being accused of some form of inappropriate sexual misconduct, from unwanted kissing and/or groping, to touching, to rape.

Now Dustin Hoffman is being accused of exposing himself to a minor and of assaulting two women.

Cori Thomas was a high school kid when she claims Hoffman exposed himself to her in a hotel room.

Another young lady, Melissa Kester, a recent college grad when Hoffman allegedly sexually assaulted her while audio recording for the film "Ishtar."

And a third woman who asked to remain anonymous said the actor assaulted her in the back of a station wagon and manipulated her into a traumatic sexual encounter.

The women spoke to Variety in an exclusive interview. They described "predatory incidents involving Hoffman that fit into a pattern of alleged behavior that has emerged in the wake of previous sexual misconduct claims against the now 80-year-old actor."

Hoffman's lawyer, Mark A. Neubauer of Carlton Fields Jordan Burt called the allegations "defamatory falsehoods" (aka damn lies).

One must assume Hoffman is innocent until proven guilty, but that doesn't mean he isn't guilty.

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