Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Kaepernick's prison lectures angers correction officers

Big hair, small brain
NFL great, Colin Kaepernick (just kidding, he totally sucks) made a surprise visit to Rikers Island Tuesday to meet with felons, pedophiles, sex offenders, murderers, and other varieties of misunderstood scum. The corrections officers tasked with guarding the facility and stayin' alive, stayin' alive, were irate and believe the stunt will endanger them in the future.

Which wouldn't bother Colin Kaepernick as he believes law enforcement unfairly singles out people of color and other minorities in spite of statistics that prove otherwise.

The former decent QB for the San Francisco 49ers spoke to groups of inmates during two 45 minute sessions at the George Motchan Detention Center section of the prison on Tuesday morning.

He lectured about social justice, a topic he learned about from his girlfriend, an angry woman who is aware of Colin's failing athleticism and the need to keep him relevant. He also spoke about his heavy decision to kneel disrespectfully during the national anthem, which has nothing to do with social justice and everything to do with patriotism and the military.

This may have been the reason patriotic Americans decided to boycott the NFL after he influenced other football players to mindlessly kneel or do their stretching during the playing of the anthem.

"That's crazy to me to have a person like Colin Kaepernick in prison talking about police brutality," one officer who attended the event said. "It was insulting for me to be there."

"In the inmate's eyes, we are the police when they're locked up."

It's amazing how stupid we have become as a nation. It's also pathetic.

The morning started off with Kaepernick having breakfast in the warden's office because he was scared to sit with his audience or take a shower with them in fear of dropping the soap like players had been dropping his duck passes before his forced retirement.

Kaepernick is everything that's wrong with SJWs. 

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