Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Former Trump adviser says Cabinet members are plotting to remove POTUS

A report in the Washington Times said that according to former campaign adviser Roger Stone, some members of President Trump's own Cabinet have discussed plans to remove him from the White House by invoking the 25th Amendment.

Stone said during a recent C-SPAN interview that he heard some members of Trump's administration have weighed the possibility of taking him out of office.

"Do you have any evidence that anyone is actively plotting or attempting or laying the groundwork right now inside the Cabinet--inside the administration--to make that removal?" Tom LoBianco of the AP asked.

"I have sources, and I work my sources, and yes, I believe there are some who have had this discussion. This is both outside the Cabinet and in. I think it's the fallback plan for the establishment. That's why I'm trying to sound the clarion call," Mr. Stone said.

True to recent form as seen in the media, Stone declined to disclose names and specifics when pressed, but he insists his claim wasn't baseless.

"Like you, Tom, I cannot reveal those sources, and I'm not prepared to do so, but this is not a conspiracy theory," Stone told LoBianco. "There are members of the Cabinet who have had this discussion; let me just leave it at that."

Stone, 65, currently co-hosts an internet and radio program, "War Room," produced in connection with Alex Jones--a guy who hasn't met a conspiracy he doesn't like you to believe.

The White House did not respond to a media request for comment.

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