Monday, December 4, 2017

FBI outed by Judicial Watch re: famous 'tarmac meeting'

The CEO of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton has discovered new documents that reveal the FBI covered up for Hillary Clinton in the probe regarding her private server and emails containing highly classified information.

The meeting between Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of the Phoenix Airport on June 27, 2016, was "engineered" by former President Clinton--it was no accident and it wasn't about yoga and grandkids. The fact that the FBI was looking into Hillary's emails wasn't just coincidental to that meeting.

Fitton questions whether it was coincidental that just a few days later, the director of the FBI who served under Lynch, James Comey,  would not recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her illegal email server, in spite of the obvious evidence that he should have gone forward with that recommendation.

What Fitton learned, however, that "a frantic scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this meeting. In fact, the FBI turned its sharp light not on the scandalous meeting between the attorney general and Bill Clinton--but rather on one of the whistleblowers who got the word out."

Judicial Watch, using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on July 7, 2016,  requested the FBI provide them "for any records that might pertain to the infamous tarmac meeting." The request was ignored by the FBI and Judicial Watch had to sue them.

The FBI then lied saying they couldn't find any records, but JW knew it wasn't true because in responding to another FOIA lawsuits, the DOJ gave them heavily redacted documents that showed there were additional documents over at FBI headquarters.

Since this was revealed in other JW lawsuits, somehow the FBI "reopened" their FOIA request and allegedly found about 30 pages of information that took them six weeks to review.

JW just received them last Thursday.

The documents JW received, show that FBI officials were concerned "solely about the leaking of details of the tarmac meeting. None of the documents show top agency officials cared one whit about the propriety of the meeting itself, but only about who blew the whistle on the covert tête-à-tête."

One email JW received said "we need to find that guy." The Phoenix FBI office was contacted, it was learned, "in an attempt to stem any further damage."

It took Judicial Watch to catch the FBI in an attempted cover-up. Our tax dollars at work for a jerk who lost to Donald Trump.

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