Monday, December 4, 2017

Former Democrat Rep. Corrine Brown sentenced for fraud

Former Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL) was sentenced to five years in the slammer for mail, wire and tax fraud involving a fake charity.

The liberal Democrat was convicted by a jury of stealing money from a make-believe charity known as One Door For Education, which pretended to give scholarships to poor children. Instead, it gave charity to Brown and her A$$ociates.

Federal prosecutors said she and a top aide committed fraud by pocketing the donations for their own lavish parties and trips. The aide and another scum-muffin accepted a plea deal and threw Brown, who had served in Congress for almost 25 years, under the proverbial bus at the end of the day after they kicked the can down the road.

Earlier this year, One Door President Carla Wiley pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud after it was discovered she had deposited $800,000 into the foundation's account over four years, but in that time only gave out one, not two, but one scholarship for $1,000 and transferred to herself, tens of thousands of dollars.

Brown's former chief of staff, Elias Simmons, and Wiley pleaded guilty after their federal indictments for misusing the charity's funds and testified against Brown.

There's no honor amongst liberals.

Brown testified that she was left in the dark about the goings-on with One Door's money, and blamed the theft on Simmons, racism, white privilege and the loss of her safe space.

She was convicted in May on 18 of 22 charges.

Brown's shyster was seeking probation in Monday's sentencing. But Brown needs to serve time for such a despicable act. 

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