Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Erdogan Lawlessness stirs fear of violence

"Was that you, Recep?"
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (his wife secretly calls him the "Fart Whisperer") just put out another emergency decree giving legal cover to pro-government vigilantes [aka goons] and opposition parties and legal authorities warn that it risks inciting violence.

The order was declared in the Official Gazette on Sunday. It grants sweeping immunity for acting against terrorism or attempts to overthrow Erdogan's government. Goons and civilians won't face legal consequences for actions against last year's coup attempt or anything that could be considered a "continuation" of the attempted coup, the decree stated.

Erdogan, you may recall, had his thugs assault American Turks protesting outside the Turkish embassy in the US. He is not a good man. In fact, he's the scum-wafer responsible for the resolution to oppose the United States putting our embassy in Jerusalem, as if it's his business rather than his Islamic anti-Semitism.

Erdogan and his allies habitually accuse all of his political opponents of furthering the agenda of the coup plotters, much like our US Democrats accuse Trump of plotting to destroy the country by lowering our taxes. This latest decree raises fear and concern as to how far his supporters will go, now that they have immunity to a lawful standard, to quell any opposition Erdogan receives. If the Turkish embassy protest is an example, all hell will break loose.

Opposition leaders led by the Republican People's Party (CHP) said the decree not only gives immunity to those who fought back the failed coup in July 2016, but it also gives immunity to supporters of Erdogan's government intent on shutting down all political dissent.

"They've paved the way for anyone who claims to be fighting against terrorism to slaughter everybody else," said Ozgur Ozel, a CHP parliament whip. "They will unleash vigilantes on us in a future democratic rally and will face no charges."

Gee, doesn't that remind you a little of Antifa?

Ozel's words were echoed across Turkey's normally fractured opposition spectrum as everyone not on the Erdogan bandwagon see what he's doing. Meral Aksener who leads the newly established IYI Party (Good Party) tweeted that the decree risks dragging the country into a civil war because it allows citizens to use weapons on the pretext of suppressing rebellion, [an idea not yet incorporated by the left in the US]. 

It also legitimizes using paramilitary forces, according to Ziya Pir, a lawmaker with the pro-Kurdish party HDP.

Even Abdullah Gul, a former president who co-founded the AKP with the Fart Whisperer warned of "events that could upset us all" and wants the law revised. He tweeted that its wording is "inappropriate for legal language and is worrying from the perspective of rule of law."

The gall of Gul is palpable because he preceded Erdogan in what now appears to be a throne of power and this is uncharacteristic of him to criticize the new Hitler.

Turkish lawyers are also quite horrified by the decree but Erdogan apparently doesn't care what anyone thinks.

Meanwhile, it's Israel that's constantly called out by the UN and its Islamic terrorist-funding countries, as a human rights violator. 

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