Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The smug Bill de Blasio is his own biggest fan

The mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio (not his real name) does not believe he is similar to Jesus of Nazareth because he's an atheist. But he does liken himself to Henry Ford, Thomas Alva Edison and Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi because he's delusional. He has never invented anything the public knows of, and never possessed one iota of humility. 

At 6 feet 5 inches, de Blasio is the tallest mayor in New York history, and ironically, he is also the most hated mayor by the New York Police Department rank and file. 

In fact, many people, when they think of de Blasio, think of an overachiever whose biggest claim to fame is his support of the Sandinista National Liberation Front, the ruling socialist government, which strongly opposed the Reagan government.

De Blasio traveled to Iowa in December and appears to have his eyes on the 2020 presidential election, although he flatly denies it, as he also denies engaging in sexually inappropriate behavior with three women on his staff, one man who identifies as a woman, and a chicken, according to my anonymous source.

Although he may not be lying about a presidential run, he has signaled in previous interviews that his sights are set on much more than doing damage to only New York City--he wants to do more.

To their credit, even Democrats think de Blasio is a detestable, self-congratulatory empty vessel--the kind that has nothing to offer, but makes the most noise.

"They think he's smug," Politico wrote. "The rap on de Blasio is that he likes to make a lot of noise but doesn't like to do a lot of work, that he has an oversize sense of his own importance."

De Blasio was confronted with his bold failure of a "progressive agenda" he initially hawked in 2014. He said it was "banal and simplistic" to say he might fail again if he takes his plan to the national stage:
"I want to talk to anyone who thinks that and tell them they need to start thinking more. I mean, give me a break. So every time someone tries something and it doesn't work, it invalidates anything else they might do going forward? Tell Thomas Edison that, and Henry Ford, tell Mahatma Gandhi. How many people fell on their faces along the way trying things, experimenting with things, had setbacks? There's no leader who hasn't had setbacks."
He apparently saw how foolish he sounded comparing himself to actual great people rather than action heroes. He quickly corrected himself by becoming momentarily self-deprecating as he referred to himself as a "speck on the universe" compared to those three, just trying to do his part.

We are all specks in the universe, when you get right down to it. But de Blasio is more like a puss pimple on the butt of the Democratic Party symbol.

If you're interested in what a smug fool he is, you can go to Politico and read more.

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