Saturday, December 9, 2017

CNN and CBS screw it up as usual on Russia probe

The Careless News Network (CNN) got it wrong again in their enthusiasm to destroy Trump's presidency. They thought they had an actual scoop regarding President Trump and his associates coordinated with Russian-aligned operatives in 2016, but alas, they screwed the pooch.

Basically, they claimed 2016 Republican nominee Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr., and other campaign advisers received an email in September 2016 that offered them advance access to an impending WikiLeaks dump of emails from DNC staffers and Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.

CNN's report was based entirely on an email that was supposedly sent on September 4th. The email to Trump Jr. and his team included a "decryption key and website address" for the WikiLeaks dump, the article stated.

BUT there is a yooge error in the claim made by CNN which they promoted all Friday morning and afternoon.

Specifically, the email the story hinged upon was actually sent September 14th, not the 4th, which means the email only pointed Trump's team to public hacked DNC documents. Public!

So the difference between the date CNN gave, Sept. 4, and the actual date Sept. 14, is the difference between someone merely using public information versus someone covertly slipping Trump and his team advance access to hacked correspondence.

The CNN story suggests that Trump and his team had someone on the inside for the DNC hacks versus a story that suggests his team gets a lot of crank emails.

"What a colossal f**k up," a CNN reporter told the Washington Examiner in response to the story's coming apart on Friday.

The House Intelligence Committee is pouring over all over the emails of Trump officials and even their family members, including their junk email in their investigation of the 2016 alleged meddling in the election by Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. was copied on the Sept. 14th email and was asked about the note this week in a closed-door session with committee members. Someone leaked that email to the press and it makes the committee look really bad.

The bogus CNN report, written by Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb, claimed the email was "described" by "multiple sources" and "verified" by Trump Jr.'s attorney.

Even CBS misreported the date of the email was Sept. 4th.

The Post and the Wall Street Journal both got their hands on a copy of the Sept. 14th email and handled it differently--seeing that it lacked credibility.

WSJ's Rebecca Ballhaus noted that there were serious problems with the note. 

"The Sept. 14 email to Trump campaign advertising WikiLeaks emails promoted publicly available info, was riddled with typos and came from a Trump backer who had given $40 to the campaign months earlier, per email viewed by @WDJ," she tweeted.

Both the Careless News Network and Cannot Believe Squat have since corrected their unsubstantiated reporting, sometimes known as 'fake news.'

"CNN's initial reporting of the date on an email sent to members of the Trump campaign about WikiLeaks documents, which was confirmed by two sources to CNN was incorrect," a network spokes leftist said.

Originally, CNN used the term "multiple sources," rather than "two sources." And the "verified" by Trump Jr.'s attorney is just plain fake.

At the risk of sounding cliched, this is a nothingburger except for the fact that it indicates a clear political effort to spread misinformation by leftist media outlets, which should concern all Americans who believe in an honest press.

CBS, at least, added an editor's note Friday: "An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the email was dated Sept. 4, 2016, instead of Sept. 14, 2016. The information was erroneously confirmed by a source, who subsequently sent the actual email to CBS News confirming the Sept. 14 date."

CNN assured the public that there will be no disciplinary action taken because the mistake was made against President Trump, not his detractors, as is always the case.

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