Monday, November 27, 2017

Ohio State U. 'privilege' workshop: only whites can be racist

Good news black people, Asians, Hispanics, native Americans and all non-Caucasians: no matter what you think, say or do, you cannot be racist. You are victims of your melanin and you can go out and beat the crap out of some white person and still be considered the victim.

Yes, you're the victim of your race, unless, of course, you identify being white, even if you were born a different race.

So when it's convenient for leftists, there is no such thing as race; but when it can be used to fit their narrative, whites are the devil, blacks are oppressed, and Asians need to be penalized for their intelligence when applying to schools.


According to an Ohio State University 'privilege' workshop, only white people can be racist. If your skin color is white, you cannot under any circumstances be a victim, therefore if you're Jewish and you somehow believe that the swastika someone painted on your dorm door makes you a victim, sorry, you had it coming for being white. And if you dare to complain, you're the racist.

That's the twisted message the workshop promulgates, and the workshop will teach you 'whities' about your privilege and how not to act racist.

"Whiteness grants you power and access to things," one simple-minded workshop student said, according to a reporter for The College Fix. "As a white woman, I can walk into any space and know that my white privilege will grant me power and access to things that someone else is not going to experience."

Then she walked into the operating theater where brain surgery was about to be performed on a child and pushed Dr. Ben Carson out of the way.

About 20 students attended the "Interrupting Racism: Tips & Tools for White People" workshop. It was part of the university's ongoing "Ally Week of Action," a series of events hosted by their multicultural center.

During the event, Angie Wellman, a black woman and associate director in the Student Life Multicultural Center was asked if white people are the only racists. 

"Yes," she sagely replied. She told The College Fix that every non-white race lacks the power aspect, which is why white people can't be victims of racism.

In order to think this way, to see race, skin color in all aspects of life, one needs to actually be a racist.

However, Chris Davey, Assistant Vice President of Media and Public Relations, told Fox News in a separate statement that "It is not the position of The Ohio State University that only white people can be racist. Nor is it the position of the university that white people cannot be victims of racism."

But of course, the university teaches that it actually is their position; they just do it privately.

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