Monday, November 27, 2017

MSNBC host thinks rural Americans are a 'core threat' to democracy

MSNBC is not run by the Russian Federation but many think it is. Their host, Joy Reid (whose first name is an oxymoron) believes that rural Americans are "the core threat to our democracy."

By democracy she means the right of the people to shut up the rights of those on the right. By rural she means anyone not living on the coasts or in a major Democratic city. By threat she means the demands by people to fully support the U.S. Constitution.

Reid pointed to a series of tweets by liberal writer Jared Yates Sexton claiming Trump supporters "do not believe in the Constitution or any founding principles unless they're advantageous" as proof of her far left theory.

Conservatives who voted for Trump and others who didn't vote for the top of the ticket, as well as Libertarians who voted for Trump, view the U.S. Constitution as one of the most important documents in existence, right up there with the Bible. 

It's ludicrous to think otherwise.

"By 2040, about 70% of Americans are expected to live in the 15 largest states. They will have only 30 senators representing them, while the remaining 30% of Americans will have 70 senators representing them," MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin tweeted.

Griffin is assuming that when people who live in rural America move to our 15 largest cities, they will all vote Democratic even if they voted Republican before the move. It seems to be his belief that cities make one a liberal--perhaps it's the crime, garbage and bad air.

That's the narrow thinking only a liberal could come up with.

Reid's Twitter finger is probably calloused from all the work it gets. She incessantly tweets against President Trump to the point of not seeing anything positive he does, which is unrealistic. Although Sexton didn't mention "rural minority" in his tweet, Reid took it upon herself to quote him and add her own commentary tied to it. 

She tweeted:
"This is the core threat to our democracy. The rural minority--the people @JYSexton just wrote a long thread about--have and will continue to have disproportionate power over the urban majority."
Reid, who is apparently unaware that we live in a democratic republic, not a simple democracy, said that she would like to see the "abolition of the Electoral College" as a way to fix the issue and get rid of the idea of an equitable representation of all states.

But asking a host from MSNBC to be equitable is like asking ISIS to be nice on Christmas Day.

Joy Reid is a mean spirited, disgusting person. She refers to Trump supporters as "deplorables" because she hasn't had an original thought in her life, which is why she's perfect for MSNBC.

Reid is still livid over Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election and if Donald Trump cured cancer, she talk about how he put oncologists out of work. She said that living in Trump's America [I never knew it was his] is the "worst time to be a human." 

She's lucky on that count.

Thoughtful people cannot take MSNBC seriously, and hopefully, will even see  Fox News through a critical eye.

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