Friday, November 3, 2017

LA Times hack hurls insult at White House's Sarah Sanders

L.A. Times political columnist David Horsey is a person who enjoys attacking people he doesn't like. And he apparently doesn't like anyone with a conservative political ideology. 

But Horsey is a bully and also appears to be a misogynist, as he fat-shamed White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in his latest and empty anti-Trump hit piece. He referred to Ms. Sanders appearance like that of a "chunky soccer mom."

The pig originally wrote on Wednesday that Sanders "does not look like the kind of woman" that Trump would choose for the high-profile role, and that he would prefer "sleek beauties with long legs and stiletto heels" who could pass for "arm candy" in addition to serving as the White House's top spokesperson.

Who was this cretin thinking about? Betsy DeVos? Kellyanne Conway? Elaine Chao? Nikki Haley?

Cruickshank went on to mention that Ivanka Trump and Melania Trump are closer to the "Barbie dolls in short, tight skirts" that he believes Trump prefers (one is a daughter and one he married, so yeah, he prefers them) at the press briefing podium on a regular basis.

He must be smoking crack.

"By comparison, Sanders looks more like a slightly chunky soccer mom who organizes snacks for the kids' games," he wrote in crayon. "Rather than the fake eyelashes and formal dresses she puts on for news briefings, Sanders seems as if she'd be more comfortable in sweats and running shoes."

When you're supposedly a political columnist/cartoonist, and you attack a person's physical appearance, you need to look for work that has nothing to do with the public.

But then when Cruickshank continued to insult Ms. Sanders, he gave her a backhanded compliment: "Yet, even if Trump privately wishes he had a supermodel for a press secretary, he is lucky to have Sanders."

The porcine creep went on to call Sanders a liar, a "failure" and a "pro" at being ignorant. 

But he's a success and a pro at attacking the appearance of people (once calling Trump a "bloated orange mess") while having little to offer intellectually to the rag that still employs him.

Joke of the Day:
 The Times' editorial board claims to "feel a special obligation to defend civil liberties and human rights" and believes "extraordinary cultural diversity" is among its "distinguishing strengths."
The "PC Police" would be ashamed of Horsey . . . if he was a conservative.

The Horsey story was picked up by Fox News and when they separately asked the paper and Horsey for comment, there was no immediate response. But The Times quickly removed all references by Horsey to Sanders' appearance and added a note from the scumcrumpet:
"I want to apologize to Times readers--and to Sarah Huckabee Sanders--for a description that was insensitive and failed to meet the standards of our newspaper. It also failed to meet the expectations I have for myself [bull crap]. It surely won't be my last mistake, but this particular error will be scrupulously avoided in my future commentaries. I've removed the offending description."
Oops--he got caught and people don't like it. He has no expectations for himself as he claims. And it wasn't a 'mistake' it was a mirror into his true personality. 

His mother really should be ashamed of him. He probably had problems in that area of life.

This is the clear and chronic hypocrisy of the left. They perpetrate everything they attack conservatives for in the name of political correctness. And finally, we're even seeing it with the Democratic Party's implosion over the Hillary Clinton/DNC debacle.

Cruickshank is a bully who attacks people from a safe distance by hurling insults like a monkey hurling feces. He's a hack, a disgusting feces hurling hack.

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