Saturday, November 4, 2017

H.W. Bush calls Trump a 'blowhard' and voted for Hillary

Former President George Herbert Walker Bush in a new book he wrote (when not grabbing women's butts), said that he isn't excited about "blowhard" President Trump. He bragged that he even voted for Crooked Hillary. 

"Just because she had an illegal private email server with top secret information on it that was probably hacked by Russia or another enemy of the U.S., and just because she screwed up in Benghazi and has a cosy relationship with Russia, is not going to stop me from voting for my gal," Bush didn't say.

But what he did say in his book, according to The New York Times review, was, "I don't like him. I don't know much about him [Trump] but I know he's a blowhard. And I'm not too excited about him being a leader."

He prefers female blowhards.

In the book, titled "The Last Republicans," the 93-year-old Bush let it be known he voted for Clinton because unlike the Republicans he wrote about in his book, he is not loyal to the party.

Mark K. Undegrove, is the author of the book which is comprised mostly of interviews looking back at the GOP over several decades. It explores the connection between Bush 41 and Bush 43.

George W. said that he didn't vote for either candidate but he also didn't likely vote for Sanders.

Both Bush's believe Trump has blown up the GOP to the point where he will end up being the party's last president for a long time, according to The Times review.

In spite of the lowest unemployment rate since 2000, the appointment of a conservative Supreme Court justice, bringing new jobs back to the U.S., getting China to put sanctions on North Korea, working on tax reform and Obamacare repeal and replacement, the Bush's say that Trump ruined their efforts to build a political party committed to free trade and immigration and continue to be a world leader in democracy. 

The book preview comes after a speech by George W in which he said (without mentioning Trump by name) "bigotry becomes emboldened" in the U.S. and said Americans need to reject "white supremacy."

You can't argue with that.

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