Friday, August 25, 2017

UN hypocrites lecture US on racism

Geneva -- I suspect the U.N. committee given the role of dealing with racism believes that it takes one to know one. They recently issued a formal "early warning" over the current situation in the United States--a rare move that had often signaled the potential for an impending civil conflict.

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (their motto: "No Jews Allowed. Allahu Akbar!") said it invoked its "early warning and urgent action procedure" due to the increase in racist demonstrations in the United States.

They noted the events in Charlottesville, Virginia in which Heather Heyer was killed by a white supremacist who plowed his car into a group of anti-racism counter-protesters.

The racism committee (an oxymoron if there ever was one) is part of the U.N. human rights office. They can issue a formal early warning to help prevent "existing problems from escalating into conflict" like the ones they experience on a daily basis in their own countries. 

They can also pretend that they're personally morally superior to the US-- but they're not--the 18-member committee are hypocrites of the highest order.

Regarding the Charlottesville white supremacist rally and counter-protesters, including the fascist group known as Antifa, the committee said that the U.S. must "undertake concrete measures to address the root causes of the proliferation of such racist manifestations."

They also verbally attacked U.S. figures who, while criticizing the white supremacists and neo-Nazi scum muffins, defended the First Amendment and the tradition of free speech.

And they lectured us with such crap that we must "ensure that the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly are not exercised with the aim of destroying or denying the rights and freedoms of others. [The U.S. must] provide the necessary guarantees so that such rights are not misused to promote racist hate speech and racist crimes."

Apparently they don't understand the concept of free speech. 

And while the U.N. panel was pissed off over our handling of recent events, they always look the other way when it comes to the ongoing violence and abuse around the world, and in many cases, within their own countries.

"The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination's report that it is alarmed by recent protests in Charlottesville is precisely the reason the U.N. enjoys little support in this country," said Robert C. O'Brien, a former U.S. representative to the U.N. General Assembly under President George W. Bush.

Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, and president of Human Rights Voices, is highly critical of the U.N. panel.

"The 'urgent action' procedure on all forms of racial discrimination, that was invoked by the Committee for the United States, is intended to deal with 'problems requiring immediate attention," Bayefsky said, "but it has not been used by the committee for any other nation on earth in 2017 and only applied to five other nations at all in the last decade according to the committee's own website.

"The committee sounded a global alarm for the car-ramming attack in Charlottesville, but never Palestinians ramming their cars into Jews in Israel or Islamic extremists doing likewise anywhere in Europe," she said. "The end result is another example of the notorious inequality of U.N.-based equality rights systems."

"Instead of focusing on the 200,000 people in concentration camps in North Korea or the genocide of Christians in the Middle East or the recent murders of innocent Europeans by extremists, this U.N. committee wasted its time on 'alerting' the world to a fringe group that was roundly condemned by every politician in the United States from the president on down."

But that's what you get when you have 57 Islamic nations running the joint.

"The fact that this committee includes members from Russia, China, Burkina Faso and Algeria tells Americans just how little heed they should give its alerts," Bayefsky added.

The United States is still the greatest country on earth, in spite of the efforts being made by the left to change it. We don't need to be lectured by the U.N. whose member nations have an atrocious record on human rights and anti-Semitism.

Screw them!

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