Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pope's latest advice may indicate a drug problem

Back in the 60s and 70s dudes in tie-dyed shirts were "tripping out" and saying crazy stuff like, "Hey maaaan, listen to the sound of yellow when it collides with magenta, man. Like wow." They drove Volkswagen Beetles or VW minivans, all of them painted with rainbows and flower stickers with bumper stickers that said stuff like: "I brake for hallucinations."

We've come such a long way that it seems even Pope Francis has gotten into the act. 

Aside from socialism and its 'fair share' garbage thinking, the pope believes in climate change, Al Gore's honesty and weight-loss program, and he believes that he can hear the Earth cry. 

What's he smoking?

On Wednesday Pope Francis called upon world leaders to "listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor, who suffer most because of the unbalanced ecology."

In truth, the poor suffer mostly because of situations like one-parent families, pregnancy before marriage, a welfare system that encourages stagnation, lack of accountability for our teachers due to unions protecting them, a global sense of entitlement, and blaming others for their situations. And these are just starters.

In other words, the poor are poor because of the bad decisions they have made. If that wasn't the case, there would be no success stories coming out of the ghettos.

The pope and Patriarch Bartholomew I, head of the Orthodox Christian Church, will issue a joint statement to commemorate "World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation," on Friday. 

People all over the world will pray for the Earth to heal--millions upon millions of hands will be folded in prayer. But two hands actually working can get more done than a hundred hands praying.

It isn't that praying in itself is a wasteful endeavor; it's that along with prayer must come action. In fact, action should come first, followed, perhaps, with prayer for success of that action.

In 2015, the Pope designated September 1st as "a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation." He was referring to our need to preserve the environment as a moral responsibility for all people. He didn't ask his flock to pray for the environment, but to get off their collective butts and do something to assure its survival.

Bartholomew, who backed Francis' 2015 encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si said: 
"There has never been so much turmoil on our planet, but there has never been greater opportunity for communication, cooperation and dialogue. Basic human rights such as access to water, clean air and sufficient food should be available to everyone without distinction or discrimination. We are convinced that we cannot separate our concern for human dignity, human rights or social justice from the concern for ecological preservation and sustainability."
I know of no cases where such things as water, food or clean air have been denied to anyone in our great country. To imply such a thing is itself, racist.

The Paris accord was a farce--nothing more than a "gentlemen's agreement," a handshake of sorts, not to pollute, and a way to give poor countries money that they didn't need to spend for years in the future. 

The Paris accord was drawn up on the bones of socialism whereby rich countries supply the money for the poorer countries to spend, in many cases, as they wish, and not be obligated for years to do something for the environment. 

The pope's agenda is clear and no different than the unrealistic Obama ideology. 

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