Sunday, July 2, 2017

Trump is POTUS: get over it

Still in the throes of disbelief that Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election for the second time in a row, Democrats are scrambling to get rid of President Trump through any means necessary, except, perhaps, by assassination. (Heaven forbid.)

A Democratic congressman has proposed convening a select committee of psychiatrists along with other physicians to determine whether President Trump is fit to service in the White House.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) also teaches constitutional law at American University and is the person responsible for trying to remove the nation's choice for president from office. Not surprisingly, the leftist hasn't been able to get any Republicans on his side.

However, the Constitution's 25th Amendment allows for a majority of the president's cabinet, or 'such other body as Congress may by law provide,' to decide if Trump isn't capable to carry out his duties--and then put it to a vote by the full Congress. The Amendment has been around since right after the John F. Kennedy assassination, but Congress has never formed its own committee in the event it's needed to determine a president's mental health.

In order to make it all happen, Vice President Mike Pence would also have to agree with the decision. 

The Maryland Democrat Rep. Raskin is himself suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and, according to an anonymous source (yes, Vinny Boombots, as he calls him- or herself) believes that President Trump is responsible for everything from ISIS to "the knockout game."

Raskin has a plan that would allow Congress to name a commission with the power to determine Trump's mental fitness to hold office. His bill would allow four Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate to each choose a shrink and another doctor. Then each party would add a former statesman--like Hillary Clinton, for instance--to be part of the decision-making.

The final group of 10 would meet and choose an 11th member, like, say, Barack Obama, to be the committee chairman.

Once the group is officially seated, the House and Senate could direct it via joint resolution to conduct an actual examination of Trump 'to determine whether the president is incapacitated, either mentally or physically,' according to the Raskin bill.

Had this bill been in place during the FDR or JFK presidencies, these leaders would have been under scrutiny for the 'physical' incapacitation part of the bill.

If Trump refuses to take part in this kangaroo court, that would go against him in the final conclusion in which he would likely be removed from office and beaten until dead, if Raskin and his ilk have their way. 
Vinny Boombots

Vinny said that Raskin and former Secretary of State and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, may or may not have been secret lovers, unbeknownst to Huma Abedin or would have been extremely upset if she knew.

Raskin made no pretenses that his bill proposal is an attack on President Trump specifically, and that he often cries himself to sleep at night because Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America.


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