Sunday, January 15, 2017

Obama-Rahm failed Chicago but point fingers elsewhere

The Department of [so-called] Justice announced a blistering report on Friday saying that the Chicago Police Department has misused excessive force and hasn't held officers accountable nor trained them properly. 

Some Chicago leaders, rather than accepting their lack of overseeing what goes on in their own city, want to distract the public and meet with President-elect Donald Trump.

The DoJ looked at department after dashcam videos were released in 2015 of a cop shooting Laquan McDonald. Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama (who coincidentally lived much of his life in the Windy City) were both in office and did nothing but point blame at the cops and did nothing else.

Some of Chicago's most prominent leaders want Trump to support the DoJ's report and talk to them face-to-face about the violence there.

"What about the high crime rate?" Bishop Larry Trotter of the Sweet Holy Spirit Church asked. "We as leaders need to meet with the President-elect Trump."

Just like they met with President Obama and Mayor Emanuel. How'd that work out?

Bishop Trotter and other religious leaders met Saturday and many of them think the DoJ report is a good step, but it doesn't tell the whole story. "We need to talk about race relationships and police relationships," said Bishop James Duke of the Liberation Christian Church. "We still live in a society when black men see blue lights behind them and they get scared."

This is confusing since Obama has dramatically improved race relations, if you ask him.

Bishop Duke would like to discuss jobs, mass incarceration and the root problem behind the violence [which is fatherless homes, in most cases] with Trump, but did not admit that he and the other leaders never had a 'heart-to-heart' with Obama or Emanuel.

Chicago will start working with the DoJ on a consent decree whereby a federal monitor would be appointed to oversee change in the police department.

All that would be needed to change after this would be to find a way to oversee and encourage two-parent family structure of Chicago's black youth. This is not a racist idea, it's a sad fact that contributes to the high crime rate.

Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson sees the changes as a move in the right direction and said that Chicago has already begun implementing reforms by adding body cameras and increased training with the hiring of more officers.

"Since I became superintendent," he bragged, "you've seen that we are doing things differently. We are getting videos out a lot quicker, we are taking decisive action when we see problem areas and so we are going to build on that, but believe me, we recognize that CPD has to get better."

Where was Obama and Emanuel all this time? 

And why are they calling on Trump now? 

I suggest it's to find someone else to blame.

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