Saturday, January 21, 2017

MSNBC in a "there you go again" minute of Maddow

Donald J. Trump is now the 45th President of the United States of America. He broke the glass ceiling that kept non-politicians from the presidency--all except for Dwight D. Eisenhower, or "Ike" as he was known. 

Hillary Clinton lost.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow predictably attacked President Trump's inauguration speech saying that "it was militant and dark" and adding "The crime, the gangs, the drugs, this 'American carnage,' disrepair, decay. You can't imagine the outgoing president giving a speech like that."

I totally agree, for the first time in my life, with Maddow. Obama never would have pointed out his failures--nothing he did seemed to work, unless he did what he did for "dark" reasons, which I don't want to believe.

Maddow said the speech was reminiscent of nationalistic trends in America around WWII using the isolationist America First Committee as her main example. "The America First Committee is something that means a specific thing in this country. To repurpose it now, not that far down the historical path, it's hard. It's hard to hear."

Yes, for Maddow and her ilk, patriotism and national pride is hard to hear. Putting our interests first is hard for leftists like her to hear. 

Perhaps she should have her ears checked and then maybe go all in for a brain scan.

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