Sunday, December 4, 2016

Fidel's ashes stoned

Santiago de Cuba -- Fidel Castro's ashes have been entombed in a huge stone next to national heroes. Cuba has now entered a new era--hopefully a better one--now that he communist murdering dictator is finally dead.

His brother, President Raul Castro, placed his brother's urn inside the tall monolith near the mausoleums of 19th Century Jose Marti and Castro's commie comrades of the rebellion in Santiago de Cuba.

Raul flipped a military salute at the private ceremony attended by his family and some foreign dignitaries, including fellow communists from Venezuela and Nicaragua. 

Nobody laughed or even smiled. 

"There were no speeches. It was very simple. There were just the ashes that were interred, the family, the government and officials," French Environment Minister Segolene Royal said. She had been criticized by her own countrymen for defending Castro's human rights record (which in itself, is an oxymoron). 

The funeral lasted one, long agonizing hour and marked the end of the mandatory nine days of national mourning, encouraged by the government, flooded the streets, pulled out nose hairs to facilitate lacrimation 

Green Party's Jill Stein was unable to attend the funeral due to anti-American commitments.

Buena salida, Fidel!

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