Thursday, November 17, 2016

Some Swiss cities ban Koran

They call it the religion of peace, but some people call Hillary Clinton the most honest politician who ever lived. So call it whatever you want, while most Muslims aren't terrorists, most terrorists are Muslim. 

Now the land of chocolate and cheese with holes, Switzerland, is considering a ban on the distribution of the Koran, the Islamic scripture that is used to radicalize and proselytize on the streets of many Swiss cities.

Swiss authorities are being pressured to do something about the jihad problem after Germany raided 200 sites in a probe against "The True Religion," a Salafist group that has a problem with anyone who doesn't believe the same mumbo jumbo as they do.

In Germany, the group hands out its controversial program "Lies!" ("Read!" in English) which is a strict orthodox version of the Koran, and the group has been active in Switzerland as well over the last couple of years.

The German government has banned "The True Religion" saying it's unconstitutional and is "inciting hate." But Switzerland has no legal basis to ban groups, so officials are looking to a town that banned the group from handing out copies of the Koran.

The Swiss have not been able to stop Salafists from spreading their message of intolerance and hate throughout the country, except for the Aargau town of Brugg. Since 2012, the town refused permits for them to use public spaces to give out Korans.

Zurich's Director of Public Security, Mario Fehr, would like to see external experts look into the possibilities of banning, or at least limiting, [the "Lies!" campaign]. "We want to put an end to organizations that are close to jihadists and other promoters of violence," he said.

National Council member Lukas Reimann demands that authorities stop the "Lies!" campaign. "Germany is taking tough measures, Austria forbids foreign funding of Muslim groups and mosques. Only Switzerland is allowing [the Islamic\st group's activities]," he said. He demanded that not only should the Salafists be taken off the streets, but he wants them deported from the country, adding that cities should refuse grants to groups who want to give out Korans on the street.

In an effort to get around the Koran ban, a Muslim convert in Basel distributed copies of a biography of Muhammed, the pedophile prophet of Islam, and he also promoted free audiobooks to indoctrinate children.

In an effort to trick Western European infidels, a new German Salafist organization was formed to replace The True Religion. On Sunday, just two days before the Salafist group was banned, jihadists in Frankfurt were already handing out biographies of Mohammed and telling the public to download the group's new smartphone app.

The biography distribution was organized by Bilal Gumus, the chief organizer of "Lies!". The now-banned campaign was linked to terrorist groups, and several of their scumcrumpets involved with the project went to Syria to join ISIS and other jihadist terrorist groups.

Austria's foreign minister accused the far left Socialist party of blocking a bill that would put a stop to the terror indoctrination. The proposed integration bill also contained other provisions, such as including a ban of the full-face veil (known as a niqab) and a community work program for migrants granted asylum. 

Putting your national security trust in the hands of the left is like giving the keys to the hen house to a wolf.

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